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Front Mission

(as "FRONT MISSION 1st: Remake")

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Front Mission [By] #15

Front Mission

Defeat Kirkland

Bring Yeehin to Olson and Yang will refuse to let Yeehin go. Lloyd suggests to keep him in the unit and Olson reluctantly accepts. Yeehin thanks everyone and joins the unit. After you leave the room you watch a scene between Olson and a mistery character. You can go back in the room and see the enemy data once again if you wish. Now make sure you upgrade your wanzers, it's a MUST for this mission, then go to Fort Morgan.

This mission is long and tough. Just when you reach the area you notice a new enemy (Colonel Kirkland) speaking with Driscoll, whom just came here to test 3 new experimental wanzers. Kirkland is pissed off at the "junior officer". Moments later, your unit realize the size of this fort (J.J. refers to it as "Land Destroyer") and Natalie states your main objective is to destroy the 3 large cannons (And everything else in the way).

Cool, but how do we get close to it without being hit?

3 Missilers in TYPE65 Lv 16 HP 402 (Body 132 Arms 156 Legs 114) FI 77 ST 0 LG 36 AG 156

2 Attackers in GROP Lv 10 HP 180 (Body 54 Arms 84 Legs 42) FI 18 ST 24 LG 0 AG 74

3 Attackers in PRISOMEA Lv 16 HP 408 (Body 132 Arms 168 Legs 108) FI 0 ST 105 LG 0 AG 162

4 Attackers in DEFENSE MG Lv 16 HP 150 (Body 150) FI 0 ST 0 LG 58 AG 178

3 Attackers in TYPE90 Lv 15 HP 522 (Body 168 Arms 240 Legs 114) FI 76 ST 55 LG 0 AG 221

3 Commanders in LONG FORCE LV 18 HP 250 (Body 250) FI 0 ST 0 LG 88 AG 232

Kirkland in ZINC Lv 20 HP 510 (Body 162 Arms 204 Legs 144) FI 0 ST 60 LG 85 AG 210

Military Commission 20000

Destroyed Enemy Bonus 14328

Look closely at the upper left..see the square where the wanzer stands?

You could split up in this mission, but I prefer to walk in big groups (specially when getting near the LONG FORCE cannons and the experimental wanzers). Refer to the pic above for the location of the Ziege gun. You should Flash Grenades at the cannons to make them miss and Chaff to evade some missiles. Using Peewee to restock in this battle is very important. What Lloyd says about the LONG FORCE cannons not hitting at short range is true, but you must be REALLY close to it (1 or 2 squares of distance) and the by the time you reach them, you have been shot a few times already. Be patient in this mission and you'll finish it.

Nahh I want to blow up more stuff!

Congratulations! After this tough mission, go back to the front base (Don't go to Fort Monus yet!) to resupply then head for your next mission



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