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Front Mission

(as "FRONT MISSION 1st: Remake")

ฟร้อนต์ มิชชัน

Front Mission [By] #30

Front Mission

Final Mission 


Koichi is threatend by some units but promises to adjust the problem in the Type-B device. The units says they don't need that anymore, now that they have the Type-S Device and give one last chance to Koichi: Use the clone that he created to kill Lloyd. The enemy is already waiting for Lloyd and now is the time to finish everything.

3 Attackers in ELDOS Lv 30 HP 744 (Body 228 Arms 312 Legs 204) FI 0 ST 163 LG 0 AG 292

3 Attackers in KOPONA Lv 30 HP 768 (Body 228 Arms 336 Legs 204) FI 0 ST 161 LG 0 AG 305

2 Missilers in VALIANT Lv 31 HP 994 (Body 324 Arms 430 Legs 240) FI 173 ST 0 LG 165 AG 408

Koichi Sakata in GROWNING Lv 29 HP 995 (Body 345 Arms 400 Legs 250) FI 70 ST 0 LG 0 AG 403

Driscoll in Mir Orlen Lv 44 HP 999 (Body 999) FI 0 ST 0 LG 25 AG 638

Driscoll in TYPE11DS Lv 44 HP 860 (Body 250 Arms 360 Legs 250) FI 99 ST 96 LG 0 AG 330

Military Commission ...none, dammit!

Destroyed Enemy Bonus You don't need it anymore.

FGTrapper got da cookie! :D

The KOPONA name is in Cyrillic and so is Driscoll's Mir Orlen. This is your last mission, so take as much time as possible. Kill the enemies to your sides, then head for Koichi. Koichi will say he was only being ordered by the Republic of Zaftra, which used the Huffman Island for its experiments. Driscoll (in his new form) will kill him before he says anything else. Leave Driscoll for the end, as he won't move and he can blow up your wanzers pretty easily. When Lloyd attacks him, Driscoll will explain that after their last batle, he fused his own brain with the Type-S Device to become the ultimate weapon. Group on him with all your wanzers. After you defeat his first form, he comes in a weaker, wanzer like form. He can still pack some punch, so watch out and enjoy the ending.

Cool, uh? I don't want to spoil, but if you care to take a look, check out the ending (WARNING: Everything will be spoiled here. I warned you.)



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