Final Fantasy 8
(as "Final Fantasy VIII")
ไฟนอล แฟนตาซี 8
Final Fantasy 8
These are a few maps for your convenience. I spent many horrible hours on making these in MS paint (!), so if I ever notice anyone claiming them to be their own, prepare to die a horrible death. Rar!
World Map
Hidden Draw Point Map
The white dots show the locations of common spells like Confuse, Cure etc., the red spots of the rarer spells like Quake, Tornado etc. and the yellow dots show the locations of rare spells like Meteor, Flare, Ultima and the likes.
Note that I marked Island closest to Heaven and Island closest to Hell, which are both full of hidden draw points. They all carry rare to very rare spells, so they're worth a visit. However you should be careful because the monsters there are among the strongest in the entire game.
Chocobo Forest Map
Here's a map with the locations of all the Chocobo forests.
And finally, the map with all UFO- locations.