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Final Fantasy 5

(as Final Fantasy V)

ไฟนอล แฟนตาซี 5

Magic: Chemist Mixing Chart

Final Fantasy 5

- A B C D E F G H I J K L
A A 2 3 D 4 F A C 5 6 7 8
B 2 B 9 D 4 F B 10 5 6 7 8
C 3 9 C D 11 12 C 3 13 14 15 16
D D D D D 11 12 D 1 D D 17 18
E 4 4 11 11 E 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
F F F 12 12 19 F 26 27 28 29 30 31
G A B C D 20 26 G 32 33 34 35 36
H C 10 3 1 21 27 32 37 38 29 1 40
I 5 5 13 D 22 28 33 38 I 41 42 43
J 6 6 14 D 23 29 34 39 41 J 44 45
K 7 7 15 17 24 30 35 1 42 44 46 47
L 8 8 16 18 25 31 36 40 43 45 47 48





Mix Ingredients 



A - Potion
B - HiPotion
C - Ether
D- Elixir
E - Fenix Down
F - Maiden's Kiss
G - Holy Water
H - Turtle Shell
I - Antidote
J - Eyedrop
K - Dragon Fang
L - Dark Matter

Mix Results

1 Failure - Casts "Slip" and "Charm"
2 Water of Life - Casts "Regen"
3 X-Potion - Recover all HP
4 Resurrection - Brings ally back to life
5 Neutralize - Recover some HP and cure poison
6 Cure Blind - Recover some HP and cure blindness
7 Dragon Power - Raise level by 20
8 Dark Potion - Does 666 points of damage
9 Half Elixir - Cure HP to maximum
10 Ether Dry - Triple the power of normal Ether
11 Reincarnation - Revive ally and HP maximum
12 Lilith's Kiss - Drain MP from enemy
13 Resist Poison - Make resistant to poison
14 Resist Fire - Make resistant to fire attacks
15 Dragon Shield - Make resistant to Ice, Fire, and Thunder attacks
16 Dark Ether - Drain MP to 1/4
17 Giant Drink - Double maximum HP
18 Dark Elixir - Reduce HP/MP to single digits
19 Kiss Of Life - Bring dead ally back to life, 1/2 HP, Full MP
20 Life Shield - Make resistant to sudden-death attacks
21 Panacea - Heal all status ailments
22 Resist Ice - Make resistant to ice attacks
23 Resist Thunder - Make resistant to thunder attacks
24 Dragon Armor - Increase defense and magic defense
25 Death Potion - Instant kill
26 Kiss of Blessing - Casts "Bersk", "Haste", and "Image"
27 Drain Kiss - Drain HP from target
28 Levitate - Cast "Float" on target
29 Lamia's Kiss - Confuse target
30 Dragon's Kiss - Unknown
31 Toad's Kiss - Transforms victim into a frog
32 Bacchus' Wine - Berserks target
33 Samson Power - Raise level by 10
34 Elemental Power - Increase magic damage by 50%
35 Holy Breath - Cast powerful, holy wind attack
36 Failure - Poison target
37 Protect Drink - Casts "Safe" on target
38 Split Shell - Decrease defense by 1/2
39 Haste Drink - Speed up target
40 Explosive - Massive fire damage at cost of user's life
41 Restorative - Cure status for duration of battle only
42 Poison Breath - Poisons many targets
43 Poison - Poisons target
44 Dark Sigh - Blinds and confuses target
45 Dark Gas - Blinds target
46 Dragon Breath - Fire, Thunder, and Ice breath damage
47 Dark Breath - Cast an unholy fire over targets
48 Shadow Flare - Darkness inflicts massive damage on enemies




Basic information


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