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Dragon Ball Z: Attack of the Saiyans

(as "Dragon Ball Kai: Saiyajin Raishuu")

ดราก้อนบอล Z: การโจมตีของไซย่า

Item List

Dragon Ball Z: Attack of the Saiyans


 Name: Small Bean                      Name: Medium Bean
 Buy: 100     Sell: 50                 Buy: 500     Sell: 250
 Descr: Refills 150 of one ally's HP   Descr: Refills 300 of one ally's HP
 Locations: Various, Shops             Locations: Various, Shops

 Name: Large Bean                      Name: MAX Bean
 Buy: 1000    Sell: 500                Buy: 2000    Sell: 1000
 Descr: Refills 800 of one ally's HP   Descr: Refills 1500 of one ally's HP
 Locations: Various, Shops             Locations: Various, Shops

 Name:  HP Drink 30                    Name: HP Drink 50
 Buy: 500     Sell: 250                Buy: 1000    Sell: 500
 Descr: Refills 30% of one ally's HP   Descr: Refills 50% of one ally's HP
 Locations: Various, Shops             Locations: Various, Shops

 Name:  HP Drink Z                     Name: HP Capsule 50
 Buy: 3000    Sell: 1500               Buy: 3000    Sell: 1500
 Descr: Fully refills one ally's HP    Descr: Refills 50% of all allies' HP
 Locations: Various, Shops             Locations: Various, Shops

 Name: HP Capsule Z                    Name: Dragon Stone
 Buy: 6000    Sell: 3000               Buy: N/A     Sell: 1
 Descr: Fully refills all allies' HP   Descr: Refills a little HP of all allies
                                             (Only during battle. Can be used
 Locations: Various, Shops             Locations: Pirate Cave

 Name: Wilted Carrot                   Name: Carrot
 Buy: N/A     Sell: 1                  Buy: N/A     Sell: 5
 Descr: Refills a little HP to one     Descr: Refills a little HP to one
        ally (during battle only)             ally (during battle only)
 Locations: Item drop w/ Carrot Glove  Locations: Item drop w/ Carrot Glove
            equipped                              equipped

 Name: Fancy Carrot                    Name: Ki Drink 30
 Buy: N/A     Sell: 10                 Buy: 500    Sell: 250
 Descr: Refills a little HP to one     Descr: Refills 30% of one ally's Ki
        ally (during battle only)
 Locations: Item drop w/ Carrot Glove  Locations: Various, Shops

 Name:  Ki Drink 50                    Name: Ki Drink Z
 Buy: 1500    Sell: 750                Buy: 4000    Sell: 2000
 Descr: Refills 50% of one ally's Ki   Descr: Fully refills one ally's Ki
 Locations: Various, Shops             Locations: Various, Shops

 Name: Ki Capsule 50                   Name: Ki Capsule Z
 Buy: 4000    Sell: 3000               Buy: 6000    Sell: 3000
 Descr: Refills 50% of all allies' Ki  Descr: Fullu refills all allies' Ki
 Locations: Various, Shops             Locations: Various, Shops

 Name: Sacred Jewel                    Name: Double Drink 50
 Buy: N/A     Sell: 1                  Buy: N/A     Sell: 750
 Descr: Refills a little Ki of one     Descr: Refills 50% of one ally's HP and
        ally (Only during battle.             Ki
        Can be used repeatedly)
 Locations: Kiwi Volcano               Locations: Kiwi Volcano, Break Wasteland,
                                                  Sniper drop

 Name: Double Drink Z                  Name: Double Capsule 50
 Buy: N/A     Sell: 2250               Buy: N/A    Sell: 5000
 Descr: Fully refills one ally's HP    Descr: Refills 50% of all allies' HP and
        and Ki                                      Ki
 Locations: King Kai's Planet, Pilaf's Locations: Yunzabit Heights, Muscle Tower
            Castle, Ultimate Pandaman

 Name: Double Capsule Z                Name: Hermit Elixir
 Buy: N/A     Sell: 2250               Buy: 2000    Sell: 1000
 Descr: Fully refills all allies' HP   Descr: Refills some HP and Ki to one
        and Ki (erroneous description)              ally (Reduces Rage Gauge)
 Locations: Devil's Toilet             Locations: Spring Guard drop, Shops

 Name:  Hermit Medicine                Name: Hermit Spring Water
 Buy: N/A     Sell: 5000               Buy: 5000    Sell: 2500
 Descr: Fully refills one ally's HP    Descr: Refills some HP and Ki to all
        and Ki (Reduces Rage Gauge to              allies (Reduces Rage Gauge)
 Locations: Various                    Locations: Various

 Name:  Hermit Milk                    Name: Senzu Bean
 Buy: N/A  Sell: 12500                 Buy: N/A     Sell: 5000
 Descr: Fully refills all allies' HP   Descr: Refills one ally's HP and Ki to
        and Ki (Reduces Rage Gauge to              max, reviving him and curing
        zero)                                      all statuses
 Locations: Master, Dododo drop        Locations: Various

 Name: Super Senzu Beans               Name: Phoenix Feather
 Buy: N/A     Sell: 5000               Buy: 800     Sell:  400
 Descr: Refills all allies' HP and Ki  Descr: Revives one character with 50% HP
        to max, reviving them and
        curing all statuses
 Locations:  Paprika Wasteland         Locations: Various, Shops

 Name: Phoenix Tail Feather            Name: Poison Recovery
 Buy: 3000    Sell: 1500               Buy: 300     Sell: 150
 Descr: Revives one character with     Descr: Cures one ally of Poison
        full HP
 Locations: Various, Shops             Locations: Various, Shops

 Name: Darkness Recovery               Name: Sleep Recovery
 Buy: 300     Sell: 150                Buy: 300     Sell: 150
 Descr: Cures one ally of Darkness     Descr: Cures one ally of Sleep
 Locations: Various, Shops             Locations: Various, Shops

 Name: Stun Recovery                   Name: Panic Recovery
 Buy: 300     Sell: 150                Buy: 500     Sell: 250
 Descr: Cures one ally of Stun         Descr: Cures one ally of Panic
 Locations: Various, Shops             Locations: Various, Shops

 Name: Freeze Recovery                 Name: Recover Capsule
 Buy: 300     Sell: 150                Buy: 1000    Sell: 500
 Descr: Cures one ally of Freeze       Descr: Cures one ally of all status
 Locations: Various, Shops             Locations: Various, Shops

 Name: All Recover                     Name: Anger Jewel
 Buy: 3000    Sell: 1500               Buy: 500     Sell: 250
 Descr: Cures all allies of all status Descr: Fills one ally's Rage Gauge a
        ailments                              little
 Locations: Various, Shops             Locations: Various, Shops

 Name: Shenron Scale                   Name: Attack Water
 Buy: 5000    Sell: 2500               Buy: N/A     Sell: 500
 Descr: Fills one ally's Rage Gauge to Descr: Raises attack power for several
        max                                      turns
 Locations: Various, Shops             Locations: Various

 Name: Defense Water                   Name: Battle Sense
 Buy: N/A     Sell: 500                Buy: N/A     Sell: 500
 Descr: Raises defense for several     Descr: Raises accuracy for several turns
 Locations: Various                    Locations: Various

 Name: Evasion Secrets                 Name: Paozu Stone
 Buy: N/A     Sell: 500                Buy: N/A     Sell: 500
 Descr: Raises evasion for several     Descr: Raises speed for several turns
 Locations: Various                    Locations: Various

 Name: Super Sacred Water              Name: Dragonbone Powder
 Buy: N/A     Sell: 4000               Buy: N/A     Sell: 1500
 Descr: Raises all parameters for      Descr: Raises chance of critical attack
        several turns                              for several turns
 Locations: Yemma Forest, Gizard       Locations: Various

 Name: Missile                         Name: Giant Missile
 Buy: 500     Sell: 250                Buy: 2000    Sell: 1000
 Descr: Launches a missile at one      Descr: Launches a large missile at one
        enemy                                      enemy
 Locations: Fugitive drop, Shops       Locations: Break Wasteland, Nemuria
                                                  Ruins, Shops

 Name: Multi-Missile                   Name: Satellite Laser
 Buy: 3000    Sell: 1500               Buy: 5000    Sell: 2500
 Descr: Fires several missiles at all  Descr: Attacks all enemies with lasers
        enemies                                      from the sky
 Locations: Break Wasteland, Skull     Locations: Various, Shops
            Robot Drop, Shops

 Name: Hot Capsule                     Name: Burn Capsule
 Buy: 500     Sell: 250                Buy: 2000    Sell: 1000
 Descr: Light fire damage to one enemy Descr: Major fire damage to one enemy
 Locations: Various                    Locations: Various

 Name: Ox-King Flame                   Name: Annin Flame
 Buy: 3000    Sell: 1500               Buy: 5000    Sell: 2500
 Descr: Light fire damage to all       Descr: Major fire damage to all enemies
 Locations: Shops                        Locations: Shops

 Name: Electric Capsule                Name: Thunder Capsule
 Buy: 500     Sell: 250                Buy: 2000    Sell: 1000
 Descr: Light electric damage to one   Descr: Major electric damage to one enemy
 Locations: Shops                      Locations: Muscle Tower, Dengiras drop,

 Name: Master Roshi's Anger            Name: Kami's Judgement
 Buy: 3000    Sell: 1500               Buy: 5000    Sell: 2500
 Descr: Light electric damage to all   Descr: Major electric damage to all
        enemies                               enemies
 Locations: Shops                      Locations: Break Wasteland, Shops

 Name: Ice Capsule                     Name: Freeze Capsule
 Buy: 500     Sell: 250                Buy: 2000    Sell: 1000
 Descr: Light ice damage to one enemy  Descr: Major ice damage to one enemy
 Locations: RR High Soldier, Snow      Locations: Mt. Frappe, RR Ex-Staff
            Panda drop, Shops                     Sergeant drop, Shops

 Name: Jingle Village Bomb             Name: Yunzabit Bomb
 Buy: 3000    Sell: 1500               Buy: N/A     Sell: 2500
 Descr: Light ice damage to all        Descr: Major ice damage to all enemies
 Locations: Various, Shops             Locations: Yunzabit Heights, RR Tundra
                                                  Robot drop

 Name: Sleep Pill                      Name: Wolf's Roar
 Buy: 500     Sell: 250                Buy: 500     Sell: 250
 Descr: Puts one enemy to sleep        Descr: Paralyzes one enemy
 Locations: Various, Shops             Locations: Various, Shops

 Name: Rattlesnake Scale               Name: Spirit Light
 Buy: 500     Sell: 250                Buy: 500     Sell: 250
 Descr: Poisons one enemy              Descr: Puts one enemy in darkness
 Locations: Various, Shops             Locations: Various, Shops

 Name: Absolute Zero                   Name: Demon King Seal
 Buy: N/A     Sell: 750                Buy: 1500    Sell: 750
 Descr: Freezes one enemy              Descr: Instantly kills one enemy
 Locations: Various                    Locations: Shops
 Name: Monster Carrot Jewel            Name: Mystery Jewel
 Buy: 1500    Sell: 750                Buy: 1000    Sell: 500
 Descr: Turns one enemy into a carrot  Descr: Gives a random status ailment to
                                              one enemy
 Locations: Various, Shops             Locations: Forest Guard, Dark Firefly
                                                  drop, Shops

 Name: Blunder Card                    Name: Bravado Card
 Buy: 3000    Sell: 1500               Buy: 3000    Sell: 1500
 Descr: Reduces attack power of one    Descr: Reduces defense power of one enemy
 Locations: Shops                      Locations: Shops, Patrol Ghost drop

 Name: Defocus Card                    Name: Inattention Card
 Buy: 2000    Sell: 1000               Buy: 2000    Sell: 1000
 Descr: Reduces accuracy of one enemy  Descr: Reduces evasion of one enemy
 Locations: Various, Shops             Locations: Shops

 Name: HP Fruit                        Name: Ki Fruit
 Buy: N/A     Sell: 1                  Buy: N/A     Sell: 1
 Descr: Raises your maximum HP         Descr: Raises your maxium Ki
 Locations: Various                    Locations:  Various

 Name: Power Fruit                     Name: Defense Fruit
 Buy: N/A     Sell: 1                  Buy: N/A     Sell: 1
 Descr: Raises Power                   Descr: Raises Defense
 Locations: Various                    Locations:  Various

 Name: Recovery Fruit                  Name: Skill Fruit
 Buy: N/A     Sell: 1                  Buy: N/A     Sell: 1
 Descr: Raises Recovery                Descr: Raises Skill
 Locations: Various                    Locations:  Various

 Name: Speed Fruit                     Name: Luck Fruit
 Buy: N/A     Sell: 1                  Buy: N/A     Sell: 1
 Descr: Raises Speed                   Descr: Raises Luck
 Locations: Various                    Locations:  Various

 Name: Ki-Blast Fruit                  Name: Finisher Bean
 Buy: N/A     Sell: 1                  Buy: N/A     Sell: 1
 Descr: Raises the maximum size of the Descr: Use to obtain 1500AP
        Ki-blast meter on the field
 Locations: Break Wasteland, Mutaito's Locations: Demon Flame drop, West City,
            Grounds, Martial Arts                  King Kai's Planet, Gizard
            Temple Sewers                          Wasteland, Mt. Frappe,
                                                   Spinach Wastes

 Name: Attract Water                   Name: Smoke Bomb
 Buy: 1000    Sell: 500                Buy: 500     Sell: 250
 Descr: Raises chance of enemy         Descr: Lets you escape a battle 100% of
        encounter for a while                      the time
 Locations: Various, Shops             Locations: Various, Shops

 Name: EXP Boost                       Name: Zeni Boost
 Buy: 5000    Sell: 2500               Buy: N/A     Sell: 1500
 Descr: Raises the experience points   Descr: Raises the money earned in battle
        earned in a battle
 Locations: Yunzabit Heights, Shops    Locations: Various drop

 Name: Theft Card                      Name: Demon Bravery
 Buy: 5000    Sell: 2500               Buy: N/A     Sell: 2500
 Descr: Makes enemies drop items more  Descr: Makes you invincible until your
        often                                      next turn
 Locations: Shops                      Locations: Various

 Name: Perception Charm                Name: Concentration Charm
 Buy: N/A     Sell: 2500               Buy: N/A     Sell: 2500
 Descr: Lets you evade the next attack Descr: Boosts attack power greatly until
        with good chance                      the next turn
 Locations: Various                    Locations: Furnace Flame, Vampire drop

 Name: Resist Seal                     Name: Scrap Iron
 Buy: 5000    Sell: 2500               Buy: N/A     Sell: 3000
 Descr: Makes you more resistant to    Descr: Can be sold for lots of money.
        status ailments for several
 Locations: Various, Shops             Locations: Various

 Name: Opal                            Name: Amethyst
 Buy: N/A     Sell: 5000               Buy: N/A     Sell: 8000
 Descr: Can be sold for lots of money. Descr: Can be sold for lots of money.
 Locations: Veteran Fox, Female Desert Locations: Various
            Bandit drop

 Name: Emerald                         Name: Ruby
 Buy: N/A     Sell: 12000              Buy: N/A     Sell: 30000
 Descr: Can be sold for lots of money. Descr: Can be sold for lots of money.
 Locations: Bandit Queen, Ultimate     Locations: Captain Robot drop
            Pandaman drop

 Name: Diamond
 Buy: N/A     Sell: 30000
 Descr: Can be sold for lots of money.
 Locations: Excavated Robot, Someone's Robot drop



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