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Dragon Ball Z: Attack of the Saiyans

(as "Dragon Ball Kai: Saiyajin Raishuu")

ดราก้อนบอล Z: การโจมตีของไซย่า


Dragon Ball Z: Attack of the Saiyans

Number: 1
Name: Saibaman (1200HP)
Locations: Paprika Wasteland, Gizard Wasteland, East City Ruins
Drops: 1500EXP, 72AP, 120Z

1. Saibaman goes straight up to its opponent and hits him over the head once
   with its arm, dealing moderate damage.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves right in front of your character.

2. Saibaman goes in to the center of its opponents row and spurts out some sort
   of strange liquid at its opponent, damaging him once for moderate damage.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves into the center row of your character.

3. Saibaman goes up to its opponent, then latches onto him, and explodes,
   killing itself and causing heavy damage to its opponent.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves right in front of your character.

Number: 2
Name: J. Sai (1500HP)
Locations: East City Ruins
Drops: 1800EXP, 84AP, 400Z, HP Drink 50, HP Drink Z

1. J. Sai teleports up to its opponent and hits him over the head once with
   its arm, dealing moderate damage.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves right in front of your character.

2. J. Sai teleports to the center of its opponents row and spurts out some sort
   of strange liquid at its opponent, damaging him once for moderate damage,
   and with the possibility of causing blindness.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves into the center row of your character.

3. J. Sai teleports up to its opponent, then latches onto him, and explodes,
   killing itself and causing heavy damage to its opponent.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves right in front of your character.

Number: 3
Name: C. Sai (1100HP)
Locations: Paprika Wasteland, Gizard Wasteland
Drops: 960EXP, 60AP, 150Z

1. C. Sai goes straight up to its opponent and hits him over the head once with
   its arm, dealing moderate damage.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves right in front of your character.

2. C. Sai goes in to the center of its opponents row and spurts out some sort
   of strange liquid at its opponent, damaging him once for moderate damage.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves into the center row of your character.

3. C. Sai goes up to its opponent, then latches onto him, and explodes,
   killing itself and causing heavy damage to its opponent.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves right in front of your character.

Number: 4
Name: K. Sai (1650HP)
Locations: East City Ruins
Drops: 1500EXP, 72AP, 180Z, Large Bean, HP Capsule 50

1. K. Sai goes straight up to its opponent and hits him over the head once with
   its arm, dealing moderate damage.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves right in front of your character.

2. K. Sai goes in to the center of its opponents row and spurts out some sort
   of strange liquid at its opponent, damaging him once for moderate damage,
   and with the possibility of causing blindness.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves into the center row of your character.

3. K. Sai goes up to its opponent, then latches onto him, and explodes,
   killing itself and causing heavy damage to its opponent.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves right in front of your character.

Number: 5
Name: T. Sai (1550HP)
Locations: East City Ruins
Drops: 1590EXP, 60AP, 230Z, Large Beam HP Capsule

1. T. Sai goes straight up to its opponent and hits him over the head once with
   its arm, dealing moderate damage.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves right in front of your character.

2. T. Sai goes in to the center of its opponents row and spurts out some sort
   of strange liquid at its opponent, damaging him once for moderate damage,
   and with the possibility of causing blindness.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves into the center row of your character.

3. T. Sai goes up to its opponent, then latches onto him, and explodes,
   killing itself and causing heavy damage to its opponent.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves right in front of your character.

Number: 6
Name: Pirate Robot
Locations: Pirate Cave
Drops: 5400EXP, 240AP, 750Z, Scrap Iron, Satellite Laser
Resistant to Ice

1. Pirate Robot moves right in front of your character and hits him once with
   his rapier for heavy damage.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves into position in front of your character.

2. Pirate Robot moves into the center of its targets row and takes out a
   machine gun and shoots your character about a dozen times for moderate damage
   each hit.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves into the central position of your character's

Number: 7
Name: Skull Robot (2600HP)
Locations: Pirate Cave
Drops: 1950EXP, 120AP, 450Z, Scrap Iron, Multi-Missile

1. Skull Robot moves right in front of your character and hits him once with
   his rapier for heavy damage.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves into position in front of your character.

2. Skull Robot moves into the center of its targets row and takes out a
   machine gun and shoots your character about a dozen times for moderate damage
   each hit.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves into the central position of your character's

3. Skull Robot moves in front of his target, and stabs his target with his
   mechanical tail, inflicting numerous moderately-damaging hits that has the
   possibility of inflicting Paralysis.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves into the central position of your character's

Number: 8
Name: Captain Robot (6000HP)
Locations: Martial Arts Sewers
Drops: 6000EXP, 300AP, 300Z, Scrap Iron, Satellite Laser, Ruby

1. Captain Robot moves right in front of your character and hits him once with
   his rapier for heavy damage.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves into position in front of your character.

2. Captain Robot moves into the center of its targets row and takes out a
   machine gun and shoots your character about a dozen times for moderate damage
   each hit.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves into the central position of your character's

3. Captain Robot moves in front of his target, and stabs his target with his
   mechanical tail, inflicting numerous moderately-damaging hits that has the
   possibility of inflicting Paralysis.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves into the central position of your character's

4. Captain Robot moves in front of his target, and stabs his target with his
   mechanical tail once, dealing moderate-heavy damage.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves into the central position of your character's

Number: 9
Name: Red Ribbon Spy (2000HP)
Locations: Muscle Tower
Drops: 1800EXP, 120AP, 450Z, Scrap Iron, Jingle Village Bomb

1. Red Ribbon Spy moves up to its target's row, then shoots out two laser beams
   at its target that deals out several hits of damage.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves up or down a row (or turns to face completely
               horizontal for the center row).

2. Red Ribbon Spy moves up to its target's row, then rushes forward and hits its
   target once with a heavy hit that deals confusion.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves up or down a row (or turns to face completely
               horizontal for the center row).

3. Red Ribbon Spy moves up to its target's row, then shoots out a bunch of
   bullets that cause moderate damage per hit.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves up or down a row (or turns to face completely
               horizontal for the center row).

Number: 10
Name: Hired Rider (2900HP)
Locations: Pilaf's Castle
Drops: 2700EXP, 138AP, 580Z, Scrap Iron, Satellite Laser

1. Hired Rider moves up to its target's row, then shoots out two laser beams
   at its target that deals out several hits of damage.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves up or down a row (or turns to face completely
               horizontal for the center row).

2. Hired Rider moves up to its target's row, then rushes forward and hits its
   target once with a heavy hit that deals confusion.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves up or down a row (or turns to face completely
               horizontal for the center row).

3. Hired Rider moves up to its target's row, then shoots out a bunch of
   bullets that cause moderate damage per hit.

Number: 11
Name: RR Tundra Robot (2300HP)
Locations: Yunzabit Heights
Drops: 2100EXP, 120AP, 550Z, Scrap Iron, Yunzabit Bomb
Weak to Ki, Electricity, Resistant to Physical, Ice

1. RR Tundra Robot points his machine gun at his target and fires about a
   dozen shots for low damage each.

        GUARD: As soon as RR Tundra Robot points his gun.

2. RR Tundra Robot goes into the back of his opponents row, pulls his hand
   back, then shoots his hand out at his target, which jabs your character
   about five times for moderate damage.

        GUARD: As soon as RR Tundra Robot pulls back his fist.

3. RR Tundra Robot goes into the back of his opponents row, pulls his hand
   back, then shoots both fists out at his opponent, which fly by and hit
   your character four times.

        GUARD: As soon as RR Tundra Robot pulls back his fist.

Number: 12
Name: RR Deserter
Locations: Training Cave
Drops: 72EXP, 12AP, 40Z, HP Drink 30, Bind Recovery

1. RR Deserter moves in alignment with the character and shoots with a machine
   gun, causing several low-damage shots.

        GUARD: Right after it moves into position.

2. RR Deserter takes out a first aid kit and heals one of its allies for 25HP.

Number: 13
Name: Red Ribbon Survivor (650HP)
Locations: Muscle Tower
Drops: 678EXP, 54AP, 220Z, HP Drink 50, Ki Drink 30, HP Capsule 50

1. Red Ribbon Survivor goes to the center of his target's row, and throws a
   projectile at his target, which deals a single hit for heavy damage.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves into the center of its target's row.

2. Red Ribbon Survivor moves in alignment with your character and shoots with a
   machine gun, causing several low-damage shots.

        GUARD: Right after it moves into position.

3. Red Ribbon Survivor takes out a first aid kit and heals one of its allies
   or himself.

Number: 14
Name: Red Ribbon Medic (650HP)
Locations: Yunzabit Heights
Drops: 720EXP, 60AP, 230Z, HP Drink 50, Ki Drink 30, HP Capsule 50

1. Red Ribbon Medic goes to the center of his target's row, and throws a
   projectile at his target, which deals a single hit for heavy damage.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves into the center of its target's row.

2. Red Ribbon Medic moves in alignment with your character and shoots with a
   machine gun, causing several low-damage shots.

        GUARD: Right after it moves into position.

3. Red Ribbon Medic takes out a first aid kit and heals one of its allies
   or himself.

4. Red Ribbon Medic goes to the center of his opponent's row and throws a
   grenade at the target.

        GUARD: Right after he moves into the center of your character's row.

Number: 15
Name: RR High Soldier (730HP)
Locations: Yunzabit Heights
Drops: 780EXP, 60AP, 220Z, HP Drink 50, Ice Capsule

1. RR High Soldier goes straight up to one of your characters and hits,
   jabs, and kicks over a dozen times for low amounts of damage per hit.

        GUARD: As soon as the RR High Soldier moves in front of his target.

2. RR High Soldier goes straight up to one of your characters and punches
   him about a half dozen times.

        GUARD: As soon as the RR High Soldier moves in front of his target.

3. RR High Soldier goes straight up to one of your characters and hits
   him once with a fire punch for very strong damage.

        GUARD: As soon as the RR High Soldier moves in front of his target.

Number: 16
Name: RR Northern Soldier (700HP)
Locations: Muscle Tower
Drops: 720EXP, 54AP, 180Z, HP Drink 50, Battle Sense
Weak to Fire, Resistant to Ice

1. RR Northern Soldier goes straight up to one of your characters and hits,
   jabs, and kicks over a dozen times for low amounts of damage per hit.

        GUARD: As soon as the RR Northern soldier moves in front of his target.

2. RR Northern Soldier goes straight up to one of your characters and punches
   him about a half dozen times.

        GUARD: As soon as the RR Northern soldier moves in front of his target.

3. RR Northern Soldier goes straight up to one of your characters and hits
   him once with a fire punch for very strong damage.

        GUARD: As soon as the RR Northern soldier moves in front of his target.

Number: 17
Name: RR Ex-Sergeant
Locations: Training Cave
Drops: 120EXP, 18AP, 80Z, HP Drink 30

1. RR Ex-Sergeant moves in closely, twirls his wrench and attacks your

        GUARD: Right after he finishes twirling his wrench in a 360 motion once.

2. RR-Ex Sergeant moves in alignment with the character and shoots with a pistol
   like weapon causing multiple low-damage shots.

        GUARD: Right after he moves into position.

Number: 18
Name: RR Ex-Staff Sergeant (800HP)
Locations: Yunzabit Heights
Drops: 840EXP, 66AP, 280Z, HP Drink 50, Freeze Capsule

1. RR Ex-Staff Sergeant moves in closely, twirls his wrench and attacks your

        GUARD: Right after he finishes twirling his wrench in a 360 motion once.

2. RR-Ex Staff Sergeant moves in alignment with the character and shoots with a
   pistol like weapon causing multiple low-damage shots.

        GUARD: Right after he moves into position.

3. RR-Ex Staff Sergeant goes to the center of his opponent's row and throws his
   wrench at the target.

        GUARD: Right after he moves into the center of your character's row.

Number: 19
Name: Female Bandit (440HP)
Locations: East Mt. Paozu
Drops: 480EXP, 42AP, 220Z

1. The Female Bandit will align up along a central position, then throw her
   chain weapon at her target for a single high damage hit.

        GUARD: As soon as she moves into her position for attacking.

2. The Female Bandit will move in close to her target, sending out a bunch of
   hearts at her target for several moderate-damage hits, causing Panic.

        GUARD: As soon as she moves in front of her target.

3. Female Bandit sends her ball and chain into the ground, then propels herself
   forward from the momentum and kicks her target for a single high-damage

        GUARD: As soon as her ball and chain hits the ground, before she
                launches herself into the air.

Number: 20
Name: Snow Bandit Girl
Locations: Mt. Frappe, Holly Plains
Drops: 330XP, 30AP, 120Z, Freeze Recovery, Small Bean

1. The Snow Bandit Girl will align up along a central position, then throw her
   chain weapon at her target for a single high damage hit.

        GUARD: As soon as she moves into her position for attacking.

2. The Snow Bandit Girl will move in close to her target, sending out a bunch of
   hearts at her target for several moderate-damage hits, causing Panic.

        GUARD: As soon as she moves in front of her target.

3. Snow Bandit sends her ball and chain into the ground, then propels herself
   forward from the momentum and kicks her target for a single high-damage

        GUARD: As soon as her ball and chain hits the ground, before she
                launches herself into the air.

Number: 21
Name: Bandit Queen (1400HP)
Locations: Mt. Paozu Dragon Rock, Paprika Wasteland, Gizard Wasteland
Drops: 1200EXP, 60AP, 440Z, Large Bean, HP Drink 30, Emerald

1. The Bandit Queen will align up along a central position, then throw her
   chain weapon at her target for a single high damage hit.

        GUARD: As soon as she moves into her position for attacking.

2. The Bandit Queen will move in close to her target, sending out a bunch of
   hearts at her target for several moderate-damage hits, causing Panic.

        GUARD: As soon as she moves in front of her target.

3. Bandit Queen sends her ball and chain into the ground, then propels herself
   forward from the momentum and kicks her target for a single high-damage

        GUARD: As soon as her ball and chain hits the ground, before she
                launches herself into the air.

4. Bandit Queen moves to the center of the screen, then swings her ball and
   chain around once, hitting all party members once, dealing moderate damage.

        GUARD: Once she moves into the center of the screen.

Number: 22
Name: Bandit
Locations: Mt. Paozu
Drops: 156EXP, 18AP, 100Z

1. Bandit will move forward in front of your character (but not right in front)
   and slash at your character with his sword.

        GUARD: As soon as he moves into position hit the Guard button.

2. Bandit will move forward to try to attack your character, but the top half
   of his sword will break off and twirl to the left and offscreen, before he
   bashes the remaining half of the sword over your character. This attack is
   also capable of confusing its target.

        GUARD: Your prompt to guard against the attack will be shortly right
               after the top half of his sword breaks off and flies offscreen.

3. Bandit will move to the back of the screen and jump in the air, slashing the
   ground with his sword, sending a tremor through the earth and hitting your

        GUARD: As soon as he jumps into the air is when you should hit the
               respective Active Guard button.

4. Bandit can raise its Attack stat.

Number: 23
Name: Snow Bandit
Locations: Mt. Frappe, Holly Plains
Drops: 420EXP, 36AP, 120Z, Freeze Recovery, Small Bean

1. Bandit will move forward to try to attack your character, but the top half
   of his sword will break off and twirl to the left and offscreen, before he
   bashes the remaining half of the sword over your character. This attack is
   also capable of confusing its target.

        GUARD: Your prompt to guard against the attack will be shortly right
               after the top half of his sword breaks off and flies offscreen.

2. Snow Bandit moves to the back of the screen, then jumps into the air, with
   his sword slamming into the ground and sending a line of ice at each person
   in your party, causing a single high-damage hit of ice damage.

        GUARD: As soon as the Snow Bandit jumps into the air.

3. Snow Bandit moves forward and slashes his opponent once with his rapier for
   a very high damage hit.

        GUARD: As soon as he moves in front of his target.

4. Snow Bandit can raise his attack.

Number: 24
Name: Bandit King (1600HP)
Locations: Mt. Paozu Dragon Rock, Paprika Wasteland, Gizard Wasteland
Drops: 1440EXP, 60AP, 380Z, Medium Bean, Large Bean, Hermit Medicine

1. Bandit King will move forward to try to attack his target, but the top half
   of his sword will break off and twirl to the left and offscreen, before he
   bashes the remaining half of the sword over your character. This attack is
   also capable of confusing its target.

        GUARD: Your prompt to guard against the attack will be shortly right
               after the top half of his sword breaks off and flies offscreen.

2. Bandit King moves to the back of the screen, then jumps into the air, with
   his sword slamming into the ground and sending a line of rocks at each person
   in your party, causing a single high-damage hit of ice damage.

        GUARD: As soon as the Snow Bandit jumps into the air.

3. Bandit King moves forward and slashes his opponent once with his rapier for
   a very high damage hit.

        GUARD: As soon as he moves in front of his target.

4. Bandit King can raise his attack.

Number: 25
Name: Thief Fox
Locations: Mt. Paozu
Drops: 78EXP, 12AP, 95Z, Small Bean, Smoke Bomb, Zeni Boost

1. Thief Fox moves to the center of the screen between your character and the
   back end and shoots your character with a single high-damage hit.

        GUARD: As soon as he comes into position in front of you.

2. Thief Fox moves right in front of your character and hits him with a single
   high-damage hit.

        GUARD: As soon as he comes into position in front of you.

Number: 26
Name: Veteran Fox (890HP)
Locations: Devil's Toilet, Pilaf's Castle
Drops: 840EXP, 54AP, 350Z, HP Drink 50, Smoke Bomb, Opal

1. Veteran Fox moves right in front of your character and hits him with a
   single high-damage hit.

        GUARD: As soon as he comes into position in front of you.

2. Veteran Fox moves in close and throws his knives at his target for a
   single high-damage hit.

        GUARD: As soon as he comes into position in front of you.

3. Veteran Fox moves in close, then dashes right past his target, causing
   a single high-damage hit in the process.

       GUARD: As soon as he comes into position in front of you.

4. Veteran Fox will flee, raising its targets Rage Gauge up a little bit.

Number: 27
Name: Racketeer Fox (630HP)
Locations: Muscle Tower
Drops:  600EXP, 42AP, 220Z, HP Drink 50, Smoke Bomb, Zeni Boost

1. Racketeer Fox moves right in front of your character and hits him with a
   single high-damage hit.

        GUARD: As soon as he comes into position in front of you.

2. Racketeer Fox moves in close and throws his knives at his target for a
   single high-damage hit.

        GUARD: As soon as he comes into position in front of you.

3. Rackeeter Fox moves in close, then dashes right past his target, causing
   a single high-damage hit in the process.

       GUARD: As soon as he comes into position in front of you.

4. Racketeer Fox will flee, raising its targets Rage Gauge up a little bit.

Number: 28
Name: Sniper (1340HP)
Locations: Pilaf's Castle
Drops: 1800EXP, 84AP, 650Z, HP Drink 50, Double Drink 50, Recover Capsule

1. Sniper goes back and off the screen, and snipes a character, instantly
   killing him, with no chance to guard.

Number: 29
Name: Refugee (452HP)
Locations: Holly Plains
Drops: 540EXP, 48AP, 250Z, Ki Drink 30, Freeze Recovery, Freeze Ring

1. Refugee moves close to but not right in front of his target, and stabs his
   target with his knife four times.

        GUARD: As soon as he moves into an attacking position.

2. Refugee moves into the back area of the row of his target, takes out and sets
   up a tripod, and sends a missile at his target causing a single vicious
   high-damage attack.

        GUARD: Once he is finished setting up his tripod.

3. Refugee moves into the middle of the row of his target, then hurls himself
   forward and hits his target with a single high-powered punch.

        GUARD: As soon as he moves into the middle of his attacking row.

4. Refugee can also steal a random item.

        GUARD: Instantly, there is basically no prompting for this beforehand.

Number: 30
Name: Elite Assassin (1600HP)
Locations: Martial Arts Sewer
Drops: 1320EXP, 84AP, 850Z, HP Drink 50, Large Bean, Perception Charm

1. Elite Assassin goes back and off the screen, and snipes a character, which
   has the possibility of causing darkness.

        GUARD: As soon as the crosshairs set over your character.

2. Elite Assassin moves into the back area of the row of his target, takes out
   and sets up a tripod, and sends a missile at his target causing a single
   vicious high-damage attack.

        GUARD: Once he is finished setting up his tripod.

Number: 31
Name: Fugitive
Locations: Holly Plains
Drops: 450EXP, 42AP, 400Z, Ki Drink 30, Missile, Zeni Boost

1. Fugitive moves in front of his target, does a weird jiggle three times,
   then punches his target thrice.

        GUARD: Right after he does his weird jiggle thrice.

2. Fugitive can call on a Helper Robot.

Number: 32
Name: Piratess (700HP)
Locations: Pirate Cave
Drops: 780EXP, 54AP, 350Z, Medium Bean, Smoke Bomb, Amethyst

1. Piratess moves close to but not right in front of her target, stabs your
   character with a single hit, then rapid stabs him some more for several
   hits worth moderate damage each.

        GUARD: Right as soon as the Piratess moves in close to your character.

2. Piratess moves into the back of her target's row and hits him with a sort of
   projectile that deals a single hit and is able to inflict poison.

        GUARD: Right as soon as she moves into the back row of her target.

Number: 33
Name: Female Desert Bandit (640HP)
Locations: Desert
Drops: 660EXP, 54AP, 300Z, Small Bean, Dragonbone Powder, Opal

1. Female Desert Bandit moves close to but not right on front of your character
   and hits him several times with her rapier for moderate damage.

        GUARD: As soon as she gets close to your character.

2. Female Desert Bandit goes into the back of her target's row, and throws a
   dagger at her target that can poison (but does NOT do damage).

        GUARD: As soon as she goes into her attacking position in the back.

Number: 34
Name: Pirate (780HP)
Locations: Pirate Cave
Drops: 810EXP, 54AP, 300Z, Medium Bean, Attack Water

1. Pirate moves close to but not right in front of his target, then stabs your
   character once with a single heavy-damage attack.

        GUARD: Right as soon as the Pirate moves in close to your character.

2. Pirate moves into the center of his foe's row, lifts a barrel up, then
   throws it at your character to cause a single hit dealing heavy damage.

        GUARD: Once he lifts his barrel up.

3. Pirate can raise his attack strength.

Number: 35
Name: Desert Bandit (680HP)
Locations: Desert
Drops: 690EXP, 54AP, 220Z, Medium Bean, Dragonbone Powder

1. Desert Bandit goes to the center of the screen, then hits all of your party
   members several times for moderate damage.

        GUARD: Once he moves into the center of the screen.

2. Desert Bandit moves right in front of his target and hits him once with his

        GUARD: As soon as he gets close to your character.

3. Desert Bandit moves into the center of his foe's row, lifts a barrel up,
   then throws it at your character to cause a single hit dealing heavy damage.

        GUARD: Once he lifts his barrel up.

Number: 36
Name: Rabbit Private 1
Drops: 60EXP, 12AP, 60Z

1. The Rabbit Private moves right in front of your character and rapid-punches
   the character multiple times for low damage with each character.

        GUARD: As soon as he moves into position.

2. The Rabbit Private moves forward slightly in long-range alignment with
   its target, takes out a Molotov cocktail and throws it at the character to
   cause an explosion.

        GUARD: As soon as he moves into position.

3. The Rabbit Private moves right in front of your character and hits him once
   for a high-damage attack.

        GUARD: As soon as he moves into position.

4. The Rabbit Private moves right in front of your character and hits him once
   for a high-damage attack. In lead-up to his attack he will swing his rifle

        GUARD: As soon as he moves into position.

Number: 37
Name: Rabbit Elite Guard 1
Drops: 72EXP, 18AP, 80Z, HP Drink 30, Ki Drink 30

1. The Rabbit Elite Guard moves right in front of your character and rapid-
   punches the character multiple times for low damage with each character.

        GUARD: As soon as he moves into position.

2. The Rabbit Elite Guard moves forward slightly in long-range alignment with
   its target, takes out a machine gun and shoots a high barrage of ammunition
   for low damage each shot.

        GUARD: As soon as he moves into position.

3. The Rabbit Elite Guard moves forward slightly in long-range alignment with
   its target, takes out a machine gun and shoots a single high-powered shot.

        GUARD: As soon as he moves into position.

4. The Rabbit Elite Guard moves forward slightly in long-range alignment with
   its target, takes out a Molotov cocktail and throws it at the character to
   cause an explosion.

        GUARD: As soon as he moves into position.

Number: 38
Name: Rabit Survivor 1 (450HP)
Locations: East Mt. Paozu
Drops: 510EXP, 42AP, 250Z, HP Drink 30, Ki Drink 30

1. The Rabbit Survivor moves right in front of your character and rapid-
   kicks the character multiple times for low damage with each character.

        GUARD: As soon as he moves into position.

Number: 39
Name: Rabbit Private 2
Drops: 72EXP, 12AP, 40Z

1. The Rabbit Private moves right in front of your character and rapid-punches
   the character multiple times for low damage with each character.

        GUARD: As soon as he moves into position.

2. The Rabbit Private moves forward slightly in long-range alignment with
   its target, takes out a Molotov cocktail and throws it at the character to
   cause an explosion.

        GUARD: As soon as he moves into position.

3. The Rabbit Private moves right in front of your character and hits him once
   for a high-damage attack.

        GUARD: As soon as he moves into position.

4. The Rabbit Private moves right in front of your character and hits him once
   for a high-damage attack. In lead-up to his attack he will swing his rifle

        GUARD: As soon as he moves into position.

Number: 40
Name: Rabbit Elite Guard 2
Drops: 90EXP, 18AP, 60Z, HP Drink 30, Ki Drink 30

1. The Rabbit Elite Guard moves right in front of your character and rapid-
   punches the character multiple times for low damage with each character.

        GUARD: As soon as he moves into position.

2. The Rabbit Elite Guard moves forward slightly in long-range alignment with
   its target, takes out a machine gun and shoots a high barrage of ammunition
   for low damage each shot.

        GUARD: As soon as he moves into position.

3. The Rabbit Elite Guard moves forward slightly in long-range alignment with
   its target, takes out a machine gun and shoots a single high-powered shot.

        GUARD: As soon as he moves into position.

4. The Rabbit Elite Guard moves forward slightly in long-range alignment with
   its target, takes out a Molotov cocktail and throws it at the character to
   cause an explosion.

        GUARD: As soon as he moves into position.

Number: 41
Name: Rabbit Survivor 2 (520HP)
Locations: East Mt. Paozu
Drops: 540EXP, 32AP, 200Z, HP Drink 30, Ki Drink 30

1. The Rabbit Survivor moves right in front of your character and kicks him
   once for high damage.

        GUARD: As soon as he moves into position

2. The Rabbit Survivor moves right in front of your character, swings his
   bayonet around, and hits your character with it, causing possible stunning.

        GUARD: As soon as he moves into position.

Number: 42
Name: Female Pupil (840HP)
Locations: Mutaito's Grounds
Drops: 900EXP, 60AP, 360Z, Medium Bean, Large Bean

1. Female Pupil moves to the front of her targets row and shoots a ball of
   energy at her target.

        GUARD: As soon as she moves into attacking position.

2. Female Pupil moves right in front of your character and hits him with her
   sword several times for mdoerate damage.

        GUARD: As soon as she moves in front of your character.

Number: 43
Name: Master (990HP)
Locations: Mutaito's Grounds
Drops: 1020EXP, 60AP, 550Z, Medium Bean, Hermit Spring Water, Hermit Milk

1. Master jumps into the back of her opponents row, then jumps again and slashes
   her sword, sending a shockwave of energy at her target for a single high
   damage hit.

        GUARD: Once she jumps while in the back.

2. Master moves to the front of her targets row and shoots a ball of
   energy at her target.

        GUARD: As soon as she moves into attacking position.

Number: 44
Name: Betrayer
Locations: Bamboo Forest
Drops: 60EXP, 12AP, 40Z

1. The Betrayer will come straight up to you, and hit you a couple of times for
   a medium amount of damage.

        GUARD: As soon as he comes into position in front of you.

2. The Betrayer will move to align with your character from a long-distance
   range, and shoot you multiple times with a gun.

        GUARD: As soon as he moves forward into his shooting position.

Number: 45
Name: Expelled Pupil (890HP)
Locations: Mutaito's Grounds
Drops: 870EXP, 60AP, 300Z, Medium Bean, Darkness Recovery

1. Expelled Pupil goes straight up to your character and attacks him with
   several chops and kicks.

        GUARD: Right as soon as the Pupil moves in front of your character.

2. Expelled Pupil will go right in front of your character and use a solar
   flare, which can blind (but does no damage).

        GUARD: Right as soon as the Pupil moves in front of your character.

Number: 46
Name: Pupil
Locations: Divine Crossing, Martial Arts Temple
Drops: 90EXP, 12AP, Small Bean, Darkness Recovery

1. Pupil goes straight up to your character and attacks him with several
   chops and kicks.

        GUARD: Right as soon as the Pupil moves in front of your character.

2. Pupil will go right in front of your character and use a solar flare, which
   can blind (but does no damage).

        GUARD: Right as soon as the Pupil moves in front of your character.

Number: 47
Name: Would-be Fighter
Locations: Divine Crossing
Drops: 156EXP, 18AP, 80Z

1. Would-be Fighter moves forward slightly in long-range alignment with his
   target, rapidly gathers a yellow orb of energy and sends it at your

        GUARD: Just a short fraction of a second after he begins to gather

Number: 48
Name: Rowdy Fighter (1050HP)
Locations: Mutaito's Grounds
Drops: 1200EXP, 60AP, 500Z, Medium Bean, Dragonbone Powder, Hermit Medicine

1. Rowdy Fighter goes straight up to your character and attacks him with several
   chops and kicks.

        GUARD: Right as soon as the Instructor moves in front of your character.

1. Rowdy Fighter goes straight up to your character and attacks him with a
   single short blast of an energy wave.

        GUARD: Right as soon as the Rowdy Fighter moves in front of your

3. Rowdy Fighter moves forward slightly, generates a yellow beam of energy and
   shoots it at your character.

        GUARD: Very shortly after he begins to generate his ki attack.

Number: 49
Name: Instructor
Locations: Bamboo Forest, Martial Arts Temple
Drops: 120EXP, 18AP, Small Bean, Medium Bean

1. Instructor goes straight up to your character and attacks him with several
   chops and kicks.

        GUARD: Right as soon as the Instructor moves in front of your character.

1. Instructor goes straight up to your character and attacks him with a single
   short blast of an energy wave.

        GUARD: Right as soon as the Instructor moves in front of your character.

3. Instructor moves forward slightly, generates a yellow beam of energy and
   shoots it at your character.

        GUARD: Very shortly after he begins to generate his ki attack.

Number: 50
Name: Princess' Servant (300HP)
Locations: Princess Snake's Mansion
Drops: 210EXP, 24AP, 160Z, Medium Bean, Poison Recovery

1. Princess' Servant will move right in front of your character and hit him once
   with her hands, with the possibility of dealing damage.

        GUARD: As soon as she moves into her attacking position.

2. Princess' Servent moves into the back row of the central row, and shoots a
   wave of fire at all targets, hitting thrice.

        GUARD: As soon as she moves into her attacking position and begins
               gathering the fire in her hands.

3. Princess' Servant will move right in front of your character and hit him once
   with her hands, with the possibility of dealing poison.

        GUARD: As soon as she moves into her attacking position.

Number: 51
Name: Princess' Guard (320HP)
Locations: Princess Snake's Mansion
Drops: 240EXP, 12AP, 180Z

1. Princess' Guard will move right in front of your character and hit him once
   with her hands, with the possibility of dealing damage.

        GUARD: As soon as she moves into her attacking position.

2. Princess' Guard moves into the back row of her target's row, and shoots a
   beam of energy at him, hitting thrice.

        GUARD: As soon as she moves into her attacking position and begins
               gathering the blue beam of energy.

3. Princess' Guard will move right in front of your character and hit him once
   with her hands, with the possibility of dealing poison.

        GUARD: As soon as she moves into her attacking position.

Number: 52
Name: Weird Girl (1500HP)
Locations: Martial Arts Sewers
Drops: 1200EXP, 78AP, 1200Z, HP Drink 50, Panic Recovery, Confuse Bracelet

1. Weird Girl will move right in front of your character and hit him once
   with her hands, with the possibility of dealing damage.

        GUARD: As soon as she moves into her attacking position.

2. Weird Girl moves into the back row of her target's row, and shoots a
   beam of energy at him, hitting thrice.

        GUARD: As soon as she moves into her attacking position and begins
               gathering the blue beam of energy.

3. Weird Girl will move right in front of your character and hit him once
   with her hands, with the possibility of dealing poison.

        GUARD: As soon as she moves into her attacking position.

Number: 53
Name: Raider
Locations: Training Cave
Drops: 120EXP, 18AP, 180Z, Ki Drink 30, HP Drink 30

1. Raider moves slightly to be aligned with a character, and shoots him from
   long-distance with a gun for a single highly-damaging shot.

        GUARD: Right after she moves into position.

2. Raider moves right in front of your character and hits him with a single
   high-powered attack, which can cause stunning.

        GUARD: Right as soon as she moves in front of you.

Number: 54
Name: Thug (500HP)
Locations: East Mt. Paozu
Drops: 660EXP, 48AP, 350Z, Small Bean, Evasion Secrets

1. Thug moves right in front of her target and shoots a single bullet at her

        GUARD: As soon as she moves in to shoot.

2. Thug moves right in front of her target and shoots a barrage of bullets at
   her target.

        GUARD: As soon as she moves in to shoot.

3. Thug moves right in front of your character and hits him with a single
   high-powered attack, which can cause stunning.

        GUARD: Right as soon as she moves in front of you.

Number: 55
Name: Grave Robber (980HP)
Locations: Devil's Toilet
Drops: 960EXP, 60AP, 390Z, HP Drink 50, Battle Sense, Amethyst

1. Grave Robber moves right in front of her target and shoots a single bullet
   at her target.

        GUARD: As soon as she moves in to shoot.

2. Grave Robber moves right in front of her target and shoots a barrage of
   bullets at her target.

        GUARD: As soon as she moves in to shoot.

3. Grave Robber moves right in front of your character and hits him with a
   single high-powered attack, which can cause stunning.

        GUARD: Right as soon as she moves in front of you.

Number: 56
Name: Meadow Wizard
Locations: Spinach Wastes
Drops: 360EXP, 30AP, 130Z

1. Meadow Wizard raises his staff and sends out some energy waves, causing low
   damage with the possibility of sending his target to sleep.

        GUARD: Once he raises his staff.

2. Meadow Wizard will move to the center of the screen, then raise his staff
   and send out a burst of flame at each of your on-screen characters, causing
   a single high-damage attack.

        GUARD: Once he raises his staff.

Number: 57
Name: Spring Guard (620HP)
Locations: Hermit Spring
Drops: 690EXP, 54AP, 250Z, Defocus Card, Hermit Elixir
Weak to Ki

1. Spring Guard moves into the center of his target's row, raises his staff,
   and sends out supersonic waves with the ability to put its target to sleep,
   causing a single hit of damage.

        GUARD: As soon as he raises his staff.

2. Spring Guard moves into the center of the screen, raises his staff, then
   sends out streams of fire at all of his targets, causing several moderately
   damaging hits.

        GUARD: As soon as he raises his staff.

3. Spring Guard moves into the center of his target's row, then throws his
   staff in front of his target. The staff comes to life and attacks the target
   several times.

        GUARD: As soon as Spring Guard throws his staff.

4. Spring Guard can revive any ally of his own that has already been felled in

Number: 58
Name: Red Shaman (980HP)
Locations: Devil's Toilet
Drops: 960EXP, 60AP, 510Z, Medium Bean, Phoenix Feather
Weak to Ki

1. Red Shaman raises his staff and sends out some energy waves, causing low
   damage with the possibility of sending his target to sleep.

        GUARD: Once he raises his staff.

2. Red Shaman will move to the center of the screen, then raise his staff
   and send out a burst of flame at each of your on-screen characters, causing
   a single high-damage attack.

        GUARD: Once he raises his staff.

3. Red Shaman moves into the center of his target's row, then throws his
   staff in front of his target. The staff comes to life and attacks the target
   several times.

        GUARD: As soon as Spring Guard throws his staff.

4. Red Shaman can revive any ally of his own that has already been felled in

Number: 59
Name: Distrustful Man
Locations: Spinach Wastes
Drops: 660EXP, 36AP, 140Z

1. The Distrustful Man moves in front of his target, and hits him twice with
   his spear.

        GUARD: As soon as the Distrustful Man moves into position.

2. The Distrustful Man moves into central alignment with his target, then
   throws his spear at the target, causing the victim a single hit with heavy

        GUARD: As soon as the Distrustful Man moves into position.

3. Distrustful Man can raise his Attack strength.

Number: 60
Name: Violent Tribesman
Locations: East Mt. Paozu
Drops: 780EXP, 54AP, 290Z, Anger Jewel, Paozu Stone, Counter Bracelet

1. Violent Tribesman will move towards the back of the row of his target, then
   heft his spear and throw it at his target, causing a single hit of high

        GUARD: Once he picks up his spear.

2. Violent Tribesman moves right in front of his target, hitting your
   character twice with his spear.

        GUARD: As soon as Violent Tribesman moves in front of your character.

3. Violent Tribesman can raise his attack.

Number: 61
Name: Ruin Guard (1300HP)
Locations: Nemuria Ruins
Drops: 1440EXP, 78AP, 460Z, Medium Bean, Defense Water, Defense Bracelet

1. Ruin Guard will move towards the back of the row of his target, then
   heft his spear and throw it at his target, causing a single hit of high

        GUARD: Once he picks up his spear.

2. Ruin Guard moves right in front of his target, hitting your
   character twice with his spear.

        GUARD: As soon as Violent Tribesman moves in front of your character.

3. Ruin Guard can raise his attack.

Number: 62
Name: Winged Dragon (1800HP)
Locations: Desert
Drops: 1740EXP, 114AP, 450Z, Medium Bean, Paozu Stone, Phoenix Feather

1. Winged Dragon will hover for a bit, then move forward and kick his feet
   at his target several times for heavy damage.

        GUARD: As soon as he starts to hover around a bit (it is difficult to
               tell though).

2. Winged Dragon moves forward a bit, flaps his wings, rises high into the air,
   then comes back down to slam into the ground, causing heavy damage to all
   party members.

        GUARD: As soon as he is completely off the screen while rising up.

Number: 63
Name: Violent Dragon (2300HP)
Locations: Break Wastelands Desert Portion
Drops: 1860EXP, 138AP, 550Z, Medium Bean, Large Bean, Speed Emblem

1. Violent Dragon will hover for a bit, then move forward and kick his feet
   at his target several times for heavy damage.

        GUARD: As soon as he starts to hover around a bit (it is difficult to
               tell though).

2. Violent Dragon moves forward a bit, flaps his wings, rises high into the air,
   then comes back down to slam into the ground, causing heavy damage to all
   party members.

        GUARD: As soon as he is completely off the screen while rising up.

1. Violent Dragon will hover for a bit, then move forward and latch onto his
   target with his feet, absorbing some HP away from your character into

        GUARD: As soon as he starts to hover around a bit (it is difficult to
               tell though).

Number: 64
Name: Snow Dragon (960HP)
Locations: Holly Plains
Drops: 870EXP, 60AP, 320Z, Medium Bean, Jingle Village Bomb

1. Snow Dragon swoops in front of its target, then hits its target with its
   lower claws, causing several hits for low-moderate damage that it then

2. Snow Dragon backs up a bit, kicks up some dust, then flies straight at your
   party, injuring every character twice for moderate-high damage.

        GUARD: Right after he kicks up the dust.

3. Snow Dragon can also raise his Defense

Number: 65
Name: Dinosaur (2500HP)
Locations: Break Wasteland/Desert Portion
Drops: 2040EXP, 138AP, 600Z, Large Bean, MAX Bean

1. Dinosaur will rear its head back, then snap its head forward, letting
   out a breath that hits each character thrice.

        GUARD: While he is rearing his head back.

2. Dinosaur will back up to the back of the screen, then dash forward,
   hitting all of your party members at once with a single hit each.

        GUARD: After he has finished backing up.

3. Dinosaur moves right in front of his target and bites twice for moderate
   damage each hit.

        GUARD: Right after he moves in front of your character.

Number: 66
Name: Ice Dinosaur (2600HP)
Locations: Yunzabit Heights
Drops: 2400EXP, 120AP, 450Z, Medium Bean, Large Bean, Ice Glove
Weak to Fire, Resistant to Ice

1. Ice Dinosaur will rear its head back, then snap its head forward, letting
   out an icy breath that hits each character thrice, and has the possibility
   too freeze.

        GUARD: While he is rearing his head back.

2. Ice Dinosaur will back up to the back of the screen, then dash forward,
   hitting all of your party members at once with a single hit each.

        GUARD: After he has finished backing up.

3. Ice Dinosaur moves right in front of his target and bites twice for moderate
   damage each hit.

        GUARD: Right after he moves in front of your character.

Number: 67
Name: Fire Dinosaur (3300HP)
Locations: Mt. Paozu Dragon Rock, Gizard Wasteland
Drops: 2700EXP, 150AP, 500Z, Large Bean, MAX Bean, Protective Crest
Resistant to Fire, Weak to Ice

1. Fire Dinosaur will rear its head back, then snap its head forward, letting
   out a fiery breath that hits each character thrice.

        GUARD: While he is rearing his head back.

2. Fire Dinosaur will back up to the back of the screen, then dash forward,
   hitting all of your party members at once with a single hit each.

        GUARD: After he has finished backing up.

3. Fire Dinosaur moves right in front of his target and bites twice for moderate
   damage each hit.

        GUARD: Right after he moves in front of your character.

Number: 68
Name: Giant Snake
Locations: Training Cave, Break Wasteland
Drops: 72EXP, 12AP, 40Z, Poison Recovery, Darkness Recovery

1. The Giant Snake moves right in front of your character and lashes out with
   its head, with the possibility of causing POISON.

        GUARD: Right as soon as it moves in.

Number: 69
Name: Mansion Snake (300HP)
Locations: Princess Snake's Mansion
Drops: 180EXP, 24AP, 180Z, Poison Recovery, Darkness Recovery
Weak to Ice

1. The Mansion Snake moves right in front of your character and lashes out with
   its head, with the possibility of causing its targets Defense to fall.

        GUARD: Right as soon as it moves in.

2. The Mansion Snake moves right in front of your character and lashes out with
   its head, with the possibility of causing Poison.

        GUARD: Right as soon as it moves in.

3. The Mansion Snake will burrow underground, causing a giant spire of rock to
   hit its target right below, possibly causing Stun.

        GUARD: As soon as the Mansion Snake burrows underground.

Number: 70
Name: Poisonous Snake (820HP)
Locations: Pilaf's Castle
Drops: 810EXP, 60AP, 250Z, Rattlesnake Scale, Poison Recovery
Weak to Ice

1. The Poisonous Snake moves right in front of your character and lashes out
   with its head, with the possibility of causing its targets Defense to fall.

        GUARD: Right as soon as it moves in.

2. The Poisonous Snake moves right in front of your character and lashes out
   with its head, with the possibility of causing Panic.

        GUARD: Right as soon as it moves in.

2. The Poisonous Snake moves to the center of the screen, then spits out poison
   at all tyour characters, dealing low damage with the possibility of causing

        GUARD: Right as soon as it goes to the center.

Number: 71
Name: Lantern Ghost
Locations: Training Cave, Bamboo Forest, Mt. Five Element
Drops: 90EXP, 18AP, 60Z, Ki Drink 30

1. Lantern Ghost will move right in front of your character, then swing his
   lantern upright, and gather a bunch of flames, before swinging his lantern
   back downwards, causing a single high-powered hit.

        GUARD: Right after he moves in front of your character.

2. Lantern Ghost will move right in front of your character, then swing his
   lantern upright, and gather a bunch of flames, before swinging his lantern
   back downwards, causing several medium-damage hits.

        GUARD: Right after he moves in front of your character.

Number: 72
Name: Ship Ghost (450HP)
Locations: Pirate Cave
Drops: 840EXP, 60AP, 320Z, Ki Drink 50, Burn Capsule
Resistant to Physical, Very Weak to Ki, Weak to Fire, Ice, Electricity

1. Ship Ghost will move right in front of your character, then swing his
   lantern upright, and gather a bunch of flames, before swinging his lantern
   back downwards, causing a single high-powered hit.

        GUARD: Right after he moves in front of your character.

2. Ship Ghost will move right in front of your character, then swing his
   lantern upright, and gather a bunch of flames, before swinging his lantern
   back downwards, causing several medium-damage hits.

        GUARD: Right after he moves in front of your character.

Number: 73
Name: Patrol Ghost (160HP)
Locations: Princess Snake's Mansion
Drops: 300EXP, 24AP, 220Z, Ki Drink 50, Bravado Card
Resistant to Physical, Very weak to Ki, Weak to Fire, Ice, Electricity

1. Patrol Ghost will move right in front of your character, then swing his
   lantern upright, and gather a bunch of flames, before swinging his lantern
   back downwards, causing a single high-powered hit.

        GUARD: Right after he moves in front of your character.

2. Patrol Ghost will move right in front of your character, then swing his
   lantern upright, and gather a bunch of flames, before swinging his lantern
   back downwards, causing several medium-damage hits.

        GUARD: Right after he moves in front of your character.

Number: 74
Name: Ghost Pot
Locations: Bamboo Forest, Divine Crossing, Mt. Five Element
Drops: 114EXP, 12AP, 70Z, Ki Drink 30, Ki Drink 50

1. The Ghost Pot will come straight up to your character, and twirl his scythe
   several times, hitting you with every rotation.

        GUARD: As soon as the Ghost Pot comes up to your character.

2. The Ghost Pot will come straight up to your character, and twirl his scythe
   once for a single powerful strike.

        GUARD: As soon as the Ghost Pot comes up to your character.

Number: 75
Name: Head Ghoul
Locations: Mt. Five Element
Drops: 144EXP, 18AP, 100Z, Ki Drink 30

1. The Head Ghoul will come straight up to your character, and twirl his scythe
   several times, hitting you with every rotation.

        GUARD: As soon as the Head Ghoul comes up to your character.

2. The Head Ghoul will come straight up to your character, and twirl his scythe
   once for a single powerful strike.

        GUARD: As soon as the Head Ghoul comes up to your character.

Number: 76
Name: Death Sentence (180HP)
Locations: Yemma Forest
Drops: 480EXP, 48AP, 300Z, Ki Drink 50, Defocus Card, Evil Containment Jewel
Strong to Physical, Very Weak to Ki, Weak to Fire, Ice, Electricity

1. The Death Sentence will come straight up to your character, and twirl his
   scythe several times, hitting you with every rotation.

        GUARD: As soon as the Death Sentence comes up to your character.

2. The Death Sentence will come straight up to your character, and twirl his
   scythe once for a single powerful strike.

        GUARD: As soon as the Death Sentence comes up to your character.

Number: 77
Name: Demon Denizen
Locations: Divine Crossing, Mt. Five Element
Drops: 84EXP, 12AP, 90Z, Small Bean

1. Demon Denizen moves forward slightly into a long-range alignment position
   with your character, then begins to gather an orb of purple energy, before
   shooting out a laser at your character.

        GUARD: A few seconds after it begins gathering its energy orb.

Number: 78
Name: Demon Noble (900HP)
Locations: Nemuria Ruins
Drops: 840EXP, 60AP, 320Z, Medium Bean, Evasion Secrets, Phoenix Tail Feather
Resistant to Fire, Ice, Electricity

1. Demon Noble moves to the center of his target's row, gathers a ball of blue
   energy around himself, then shoots it as a beam at his enemy.

        GUARD: Right after he has finished gathering his ball of energy.

2. Demon Noble gathers some blue flames around his hand for about three
   seconds, then sends it at his opponent for a single damaging hit, causing
   some sort of status effect (unsure).

        GUARD: After he has finished gathering the flames in his hand.

3. Demon Noble can raise his Evasion.

Number: 79
Name: Demon Mystic (560HP)
Locations: Yemma Forest
Drops: 270EXP, 42AP, 200Z, Evasion Secrets, Attract Water
Resistant to Fire, Ice, Electricity

1. Demon Mystic moves to the center of his target's row, gathers a ball of blue
   energy around himself, then shoots it as a beam at his enemy.

        GUARD: Right after he has finished gathering his ball of energy.

2. Demon Mystic gathers some blue flames around his hand for about three
   seconds, then sends it at his opponent for a single damaging hit, causing
   some sort of status effect (unsure).

        GUARD: After he has finished gathering the flames in his hand.

3. Demon Mystic can raise his Evasion.

4. Demon Mystic can revive a fellow foe.

Number: 80
Name: Gogyo Majin
Locations: Mt. Five Element
Drops: 168XP, 18AP, 120Z, Phoenix Feather

1. Gogyo Majin aligns himself with his target in a long-range position, puts
   his hands together, forms several swords out of the air, and sends them at
   his target.

        GUARD: Right after he forms his swords in the air.

2. Gogyo Majin stays right where he is, puts his hands together and hovers
   up and back a bit, before hitting the ground with his hands, sending a stream
   of fire at his target.

        GUARD: Right as soon as he hits the ground from his hovering position.

3. Gogyo Majin can raise his Defense.

Number: 81
Name: Ensei Majin (1250HP)
Locations: Yemma Forest
Drops: 960EXP, 84AP, 450Z, Medium Bean, Defense Water, Demon Bravery
Weak to Ki, Resistant to Fire, Ice, Electricity

1. Ensei Majin aligns himself with his target in a long-range position, puts
   his hands together, forms several swords out of the air, and sends them at
   his target.

        GUARD: Right after he forms his swords in the air.

2. Ensei Majin stays right where he is, puts his hands together and hovers
   up and back a bit, before hitting the ground with his hands, sending a stream
   of fire at his target.

        GUARD: Right as soon as he hits the ground from his hovering position.

3. Ensei Majin goes in front of his target and throws a bunch of small
   projectiles that hit your character a couple of times for moderate damage
   with the possibility of poisoning.

Number: 82
Name: Ostrich Chicken
Locations: Spinach Wastes, Break Wasteland
Drops: 360EXP, 24AP, 120Z, Small Bean

1. The Ostrich Chicken will move in front of your character, shake its head
   around several times, then peck your character, which can cause paralysis.

        GUARD: Once it has finished shaking its head (about six times).

2. The Ostrich Chicken will move in front of your character, shake its head
   around several times, then peck your character, oddly enough which can heal
   your character.

        GUARD: Once it has finished shaking its head (about six times).

3. The Ostrich Chiken will scatter food pellets on the ground, then eats it
   up, recovering its HP.

Number: 83
Name: Sand Dodo
Locations: Break Wastelands Desert Portion

1. The Sand Dodo will move in front of your character, shake its head
   around several times, then peck your character, which can cause paralysis.

        GUARD: Once it has finished shaking its head (about six times).

2. The Sand Dodo will move in front of your character, shake its head
   around several times, then peck your character, oddly enough which can heal
   your character.

        GUARD: Once it has finished shaking its head (about six times).

3. The Sand Dodo will scatter food pellets on the ground, then eats it
   up, recovering its HP.

Number: 84
Name: Dododo (66HP)
Locations: Break Wastelands Desert Portion, Break Wasteland, Mt. Paozu Dragon
           Rock, Spinach Wastes Cave
Drops: 12300HP, 1230AP, 1Z, Hermit Spring Water, Hermit Milk, HEAD-CHA-LA
Resistant to Physical, Ki, Fire, Ice, Electricity

1. Dododo will flee the battle, causing very low damage to one enemy as he goes

        GUARD: As soon as he moves into his target's row.

Number: 85
Name: Firebird (3050HP)
Locations: Mt. Paozu Dragon Rock
Drops: 3600EXP, 150AP, 720Z, Large Bean, Max Bean, Phoenix Tail Feather
Resistant to Fire, Weak to Ice

1. Firebird flies up into the air, flaps its wings, and sends daggers of energy
   at all of your party members for a single hit each.

        GUARD: As soon as it flies into the air.

2. Firebird moves forward, and stabs his target with his talons for a single

        GUARD: As soon as it moves forward.

3. Firebird gathers a bit of yellow energy and shoots it at one target.

        GUARD: As soon as it rears up.

Number: 86
Name: Blue Hawk (1280HP)
Locations: Hermit Spring
Drops: 1440EXP, 108AP, 350Z, Medium Bean, Large Bean
Weak to Fire, Resistant Ice

1. Blue Hawk flies up into the air, flaps its wings, and sends daggers of ice
   at all of your party members for a single hit each.

        GUARD: As soon as it flies into the air.

2. Blue Hawk moves forward, and stabs his target with his talons for a single

        GUARD: As soon as it moves forward.

3. Blue Hawk gathers a bit of yellow energy and shoots it at one target, with
   the potential to freeze.

        GUARD: As soon as it rears up.

Number: 87
Name: Dark Condor (3500HP)
Locations: Gizard Wasteland, Paprika Wasteland
Drops: 4500EXP, 162AP, 620Z, Hermit Medicine, Phoenix Tail Feather, Speed Crest
Resistant to Fire, Weak to Ice

1. Dark Condor flies up into the air, flaps its wings, and sends several of its
   feathers at all of your party members for a single hit each.

        GUARD: As soon as it flies into the air.

2. Dark Condor moves forward, and stabs his target with his talons for a single
   hit, which can poison.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves forward.

3. Dark Condor gathers a bit of yellow energy and shoots it at one target, which

        GUARD: As soon as it rears up.

Number: 88
Name: Tiger
Locations: Bamboo Forest
Drops: 150EXP, 18AP, 90Z, Small Bean, Medium Bean

1. The Tiger will move back very slightly, then lash out at your character with
   its paws and attack twice.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves into its position.

2. The Tiger will move forward and hit your character with a single swipe of its

        GUARD: As soon as it moves into its position.

3. The Tiger will move forward very slightly, then hit your character with its
   hind legs several times for medium damage.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves into its position.

Number: 89
Name: Snow Tiger
Locations: Mt. Frappe
Drops: 660EXP, 42AP, 160Z

1. The Snow Tiger will move in front of your character, dash past him in a ring
   of fire visual effect, then dash back into position, causing two medium
   damage hits.

        GUARD: Right as soon as the Snow Tiger moves in front of your character.

Number: 90
Name: Dimensional Tiger (1580HP)
Locations: Yemma Forest
Drops: 1040EXP, 60AP, 550Z, Medium Bean, Large Bean

1. The Dimensional Tiger will move back very slightly, then lash out at your
   character with its paws and attack twice.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves into its position.

2. The Dimensional Tiger will move forward and hit your character with a single
   swipe of its paws.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves into its position.

3. The Dimensional  Tiger will move forward very slightly, then hit your
   character with its hind legs several times for medium damage.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves into its position.

Number: 91
Name: Wolf
Locations: Mt. Paozu, Break Wasteland, East Mt. Paozu
Drops: 96EXP, 18AP, 60Z, Small Bean

1. The Wolf uses a Howl to call on another Wolf.

2. The Wolf moves forward slightly, and throws the chain around its neck at the

        GUARD: As soon as he moves into position.

Number: 92
Name: White Wolf
Locations: Mt. Frappe, Holly Plains
Drops: 330EXP, 30AP, 90Z, Small Bean, Wolf's Roar

1. The Wolf moves forward slightly, and throws the chain around its neck at the

        GUARD: As soon as he moves into position.

2. The Wolf moves forward slightly and aligns with its target, then dashes
   forth and swipes its paws several times in rapid fire for low damage each

        GUARD: As soon as he moves into position.

3. The White Wolf uses a Howl to call on another Wolf.

Number: 93
Name: Red Wolf (1200HP)
Locations: Paprika Wasteland, Mt. Paozu Dragon Rock
Drops: 960EXP, 60AP, 450Z, Medium Bean, Wolf's Roar, Hero's Scheme

1. The Red Wolf moves forward slightly, and throws the chain around its neck at
   the target.

        GUARD: As soon as he moves into position.

2. The Red Wolf moves forward slightly and aligns with its target, then dashes
   forth and swipes its paws several times in rapid fire for low damage each

        GUARD: As soon as he moves into position.

3. The Red Wolf moves forward slightly and aligns with its target, then dashes
   back and forth hitting its target several times for moderate-high damage.

        GUARD: As soon as he moves into position.

Number: 94
Name: Stray Dog
Locations: Spinach Wastes, Break Wasteland
Drops: 330EXP, 24AP, 90Z, Attract Water

1. The Stray Dog will move up to a center position aligned with its target,
   then throw the meat in its mouth at its target.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves into position.

2. The Stray Dog will move right in front of its target, turn around, and
   kick sand into your character's face with the possibility of causing
   blindness (does not do damage).

        GUARD: As soon as it moves into position.

3. The Stray Dog will force one of your character's Rage Gauge to increase.

Number: 95
Name: Red Ribbon Spy Dog (600HP)
Locations: Muscle Tower, Yunzabit Heights
Drops: 570EXP, 52AP, 220Z, HP Drink 50, Ki Drink 30

1. The Red Ribbon Spy Dog will move up to a center position aligned with its
   target, then throw the meat in its mouth at its target.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves into position.

2. The Red Ribbon Spy Dog will move right in front of its target, turn around,
   and kick sand into your character's face with the possibility of causing
   blindness (does not do damage).

        GUARD: As soon as it moves into position.

3. The Red Ribbon Spy Dog will force one of your character's Rage Gauge to

Number: 96
Name: Super Watchdog (890HP)
Locations: Pilaf's Castle
Drops: 900EXP, 60AP, 650Z, Medium Bean, Attract Water

1. The Super Watchdog will move up to a center position aligned with its
   target, then throw the meat in its mouth at its target.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves into position.

2. The Super Watchdog will move right in front of its target, turn around,
   and kick sand into your character's face with the possibility of causing
   blindness (does not do damage).

        GUARD: As soon as it moves into position.

3. The Super Watchdog will force one of your character's Rage Gauge to

Number: 97
Name: Wild Boar (960HP)
Locations: Spinach Wastes, Break Wasteland
Drops: 840EXP, 60AP, 220Z, Medium Bean, Large Bean, Rush Ring

Number: 98
Name: Champion Boar (3200HP)
Locations: Mutaito's Grounds
Drops: 3300EXP, 144AP, 650Z, Medium Bean, Large Bean, Rush Bracelet

1. Champion Boar will move into the center of his target's row, then dash right
   at your character and ram into him for a single heavy hit, with the ability
   to stun the target.

        GUARD: As soon as he moves into your character's row.

2. Champion Boar backs up to the back of the screen, and stands up on his hind
   legs, before smashing his front legs down into the earth, hitting all of your
   party members for moderate-high damage.

        GUARD: Shortly after he raises his front legs.

3. Champion Boar backs up to the back of the screen, then breathes in, before
   letting out his breath as an attack that hits all your party members twice,
   with the possibility of paralyzing.

Number: 99
Name: Snow Boar (2100HP)
Locations: Yunzabit Heights
Drops: 1950EXP, 120AP, 440Z, Large Bean, Anger Jewel, Rush Bracelet
Weak to Fire, Resistant to Ice

1. Snow Boar will move into the center of his target's row, then dash right
   at your character and ram into him for a single heavy hit, with the ability
   to stun the target.

        GUARD: As soon as he moves into your character's row.

2. Snow Boar backs up to the back of the screen, and stands up on his hind
   legs, before smashing his front legs down into the earth, hitting all of your
   party members for moderate-high damage.

        GUARD: Shortly after he raises his front legs.

3. Snow Boar backs up to the back of the screen, then breathes in, before
   letting out his breath as an attack that hits all your party members twice,
   with the possibility of blinding.

        GUARD: Shortly after he breathes in.

Number: 100
Name: Hungry Bear
Locations: Spinach Wastes
Drops: 910EXP, 60AP,, 240Z, Anger Jewel

1. Hungry Bear will move into alignment with his target, then throw an apple
   into the air, before throwing it at his target for a single high-damage hit.

        GUARD: As soon as he finishes catching his apple.

Number: 101
Name: Snow Bear
Locations: Mt. Frappe
Drops: 780EXP, 60AP, 160Z, Medium Bean, Rush Ring

1. Snow Bear will move in long-range alignment with his target, pick up a
   snowball, throw it in the air, catch it in his paw, then throw it at his
   opponent for a single high-damage hit.

        GUARD: As soon as he catches his snowball.

Number: 102
Name: Strong Bear (3050HP)
Locations: Mutaito's Grounds, Mt. Paozu Dragon Rock
Drops: 3600EXP, 156AP, 820Z, Medium Bean, Anger Jewel

1. Strong Bear moves right in front of his target, then hits him three times
   with his claws for moderate-heavy damage.

        GUARD: As soon as he moves right in front of your character.

2. Strong Bear moves to his target's row and moves close to his target, then
   dashes forward and hits his target with several swipes of his paws for
   heavy damage.

        GUARD: Once he moves into his position close to your character.

Number: 103
Name: Dangerous Panda
Locations: Bamboo Forest
Drops: 156EXP, 18AP, 140Z, Defense Ring

1. The Dangerous Panda will shoot you with a rifle multiple times.

        GUARD: There isn`t any actual movement from the Dangerous Panda before
               the danger flash pops up. The best way that you can guard against
               this attack is to recognize his LACK of movement and immediately
               respond with your respective guard button.

2. The Dangerous Panda will move forward and swipe at you twice with its paws
   for medium damage each.

        GUARD: As soon as the Dangerous Panda begins to move forward hit your
               Guard button.

Number: 104
Name: Snow Panda (920HP)
Locations: Holly Plains
Drops: 840EXP, 72AP, 320Z, Medium Bean, Ice Capsule, Energy Bracelet

1. Snow Panda moves slightly forward, picks up a giant rock, and throws it at
   his target, causing a high-damage hit and possible stunning.

        GUARD: As soon as he moves into position.

2. Snow Panda moves in front of a character, then hits him twice with his

        GUARD: As soon as he moves in front of your character.

Number: 105
Name: Ultimate Pandaman (3000HP)
Locations: Pilaf's Castle
Drops: 2700EXP, 150AP, 520Z, Large Bean, Double Drink Z, Emerald

1. Ultimate Pandaman moves in front of his target, picks up a giant rock, and
   rams your character with it, causing a high-damage hit and possible stunning.

        GUARD: As soon as he moves into position.

2. Ultimate Pandaman moves in front of a character, then hits him twice with his

        GUARD: As soon as he moves in front of your character.

Number: 106
Name: Giant Fish (1480HP)
Locations: Hermit Spring
Drops: 1590EXP, 120AP, 440Z, Medium Bean, Large Bean, Protective Emblem
Weak to Electricity

1. Giant Fish moves up to its opponent and hits its opponent with its tail for
   a single heavily-damaging attack.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves in front of your character.

2. Giant Fish moves into the back of its targets row, then swoops forward and
   hits its target with a single damaging hit.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves into the back.

3. Giant Fish moves into the back of the central row, then sends out its icy
   breath, causing several hits to each character with the possibility of
   freezing a character.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves into the back row.

4. Giant Fish moves off-screen, then comes back on, spitting out several chunks
   of ice at each character, causing several hits of damage.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves on screen.

5. Giant Fish moves into central alignment with its target, then sends a bunch
   of bubbles at its target for several damaging hits.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves into position.

Number: 107
Name: Wild Fish (1950HP)
Locations: Pirate Cave
Drops: 1680EXP, 120AP, 400Z, Medium Bean, Absolute Zero, Freeze Bracelet
Weak to Electricity

1. Wild Fish moves up to its opponent and hits its opponent with its tail for
   a single heavily-damaging attack.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves in front of your character.

2. Wild Fish moves into the back of its targets row, then swoops forward and
   hits its target with a single damaging hit.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves into the back.

3. Wild Fish moves into the back of the central row, then sends out its icy
   breath, causing several hits to each character with the possibility of
   freezing a character.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves into the back row.

4. Wild Fish moves off-screen, then comes back on, spitting out several smaller
   fish at each character, causing several hits of damage, and can confuse.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves on screen.

5. Wild Fish moves off-screen, then comes back on, sending a bunch of waves at
   all characters for several damaging hits.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves onto the screen again.

Number: 108
Name: Sand Fish (2000HP)
Locations: Desert
Drops: 1800EXP, 114AP, 550Z, Medium Bean, Large Bean

1. Sand Fish moves up to its opponent and hits its opponent with its tail for
   a single heavily-damaging attack.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves in front of your character.

2. Sand Fish moves into the back of the central row, then sends out its sandy
   breath, causing several hits to each character with the possibility of
   blinding a character.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves into the back row.

3. Sand Fish moves off-screen, then comes back on, spitting out several smaller
   fish at each character, causing several hits of damage, and can confuse.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves on screen.

Number: 109
Name: Wolfman
Locations: Mt. Paozu, Martial Arts Temple
Drops: 150EXP, 18AP, Small Bean, Medium Bean

1. The Wolfman will move forward right in front of your character, and slash
   your character thrice with its claws.

        GUARD: As soon as he comes into position in front of you.

2. The Wolfman will move forward slightly, start rotating his arms to gather
   energy, and then sends it as a projectile at your character.

        GUARD: Shortly after he begins to gather his energy.

3. Wolfman can raise its evasion rate.

Number: 110
Name: Werewolf (1060HP)
Locations: Devil's Toilet
Drops: 1110EXP, 60AP, 420Z, Medium Bean, Hermit Spring Water

1. The Werewolf will move forward right in front of your character, and slash
   your character thrice with its claws.

        GUARD: As soon as he comes into position in front of you.

2. The Werewolf will move forward slightly, start rotating his arms to gather
   energy, and then sends it as a projectile at your character.

        GUARD: Shortly after he begins to gather his energy.

3. Werewolf can raise its evasion rate.

4. The Werewolf shall move in front of your central character, then attack
   all three of your characters at once for several hits.

GUARD: As soon as he moves to be in front of your central character.

Number: 111
Name: Golden Wolf (1250HP)
Locations: Nemuria Ruins
Drops: 1500EXP, 72AP, 900Z, Medium Bean, Battle Sense, Perception Charm

1. Golden Wolf will move forward right in front of your character, and slash
   your character thrice with its claws.

        GUARD: As soon as he comes into position in front of you.

2. Golden Wolf will move forward slightly, start rotating his arms to gather
   energy, and then sends it as a projectile at your character.

        GUARD: Shortly after he begins to gather his energy.

3. Golden Wolf can raise its evasion rate.

4. Golden Wolf shall move in front of your central character, then attack
   all three of your characters at once for several hits.

GUARD: As soon as he moves to be in front of your central character.

Number: 112
Name: Bloodsucker (1030HP)
Locations: Devil's Toilet
Drops: 1180EXP, 66AP, 410Z, Medium Bean, Attack Water

1. Bloodsucker moves to the center of his target's row, then punches his
   opponent several times from long-distance range.

        GUARD: As soon as he moves into the center of any row.

2. Bloodsucker moves in front of his target, does a sort of squat, then
   punches and kicks his opponent several times for moderate damage.

        GUARD: As soon as he does his squat.

3. Bloodsucker moves in front of his target, then jumps on top of him and sucks
   some of his HP away, absorbing it for himself.

        GUARD: As soon as he moves in front of your character.

Number: 113
Name: Vampire (980HP)
Locations: Nemuria Ruins
Drops: 990Z, 66AP, 430Z, Medium Bean, Attack Water, Concentration Charm

1. Vampire moves to the center of his target's row, then punches his
   opponent several times from long-distance range.

        GUARD: As soon as he moves into the center of any row.

2. Vampire moves in front of his target, does a sort of squat, then
   punches and kicks his opponent several times for moderate damage.

        GUARD: As soon as he does his squat.

3. Vampire moves in front of his target, then jumps on top of him and sucks
   some of his HP away, absorbing it for himself, and raise his Attack in the

        GUARD: As soon as he moves in front of your character.

Number: 114
Name: Red Vampire (1850HP)
Locations: Martial Arts Sewers
Drops: 1320EXP, 72AP, 555Z, Large Bean, MAX Bean, Demon Bravery

1. Red Vampire moves to the center of his target's row, then punches his
   opponent several times from long-distance range.

        GUARD: As soon as he moves into the center of any row.

2. Red Vampire moves in front of his target, does a sort of squat, then
   punches and kicks his opponent several times for moderate damage.

        GUARD: As soon as he does his squat.

3. Red Vampire moves in front of his target, then jumps on top of him and sucks
   some of his HP away, absorbing it for himself, and raise his Attack in the

        GUARD: As soon as he moves in front of your character.

4. Red Vampire moves into the center of his opponent's row, bows his head down,
   then sends out several low-damage energy waves at his opponent.

        GUARD: Once he bows his head.

Number: 115
Name: Mummy Man (1080HP)
Locations: Devil's Toilet, Break Wasteland Desert Portion
Drops: 960EXP, 60AP, 420Z, Medium Bean, Phoenix Feather
Weak to Fire

1. The Mummy Man will move in long-distance range alignment with his
   intended target, then snap his bandages at his target, causing roughly a
   half-dozen low-damage hits.

        GUARD: As soon as he moves into his position.

2. The Mummy Man will move in front of one of your characters, then take
   out his shovel, hit the ground, and dig his way past your character, hitting
   him with one high-damage hit and lowering your character's Speed in the

        GUARD: As soon as he moves into his position.

3. The Mummy Man will move in close to his target and spit out a ball of poison
   that can damage your character and poison him.

        GUARD: As soon as he moves into his attacking position.

Number: 116
Name: Mummy (1000HP)
Locations: Nemuria Ruins
Drops: 930EXP, 66AP, 450Z
Weak to Fire

1. The Mummy will move in long-distance range alignment with his
   intended target, then snap his bandages at his target, causing roughly a
   half-dozen low-damage hits.

        GUARD: As soon as he moves into his position.

2. The Mummy will move in front of one of your characters, then take
   out his shovel, hit the ground, and dig his way past your character, hitting
   him with one high-damage hit and lowering your character's Speed in the

        GUARD: As soon as he moves into his position.

3. The Mummy will move in close to his target and spit out a ball of poison
   that can damage your character and poison him.

        GUARD: As soon as he moves into his attacking position.

1. The Mummy will move in long-distance range alignment with his
   intended target, then snap his bandages to the back of the screen, and throw
   a box at his target, causing a single moderately-damaging hit with the
   possibility of inflicting Stun status.

        GUARD: As soon as he moves into his position.

Number: 117
Name: Burning Mummy
Locations: Mt. Kiwi
Drops: 300EXP, 30AP, 110Z, Small Bean, Hot Capsule

1. The Burning Mummy will move in long-distance range alignment with his
   intended target, then snap his bandages at his target, causing roughly a
   half-dozen low-damage hits.

        GUARD: As soon as he moves into his position.

2. The Burning Mummy will move in front of one of your characters, then take
   out his shovel, hit the ground, and dig his way past your character, hitting
   him with one high-damage hit and lowering your character's Speed in the

        GUARD: As soon as he moves into his position.

Number: 118
Name: Giant Bat
Locations: Divine Crossing, Mt. Five Element
Drops: 72 EXP, 12AP, 60Z, Medium Bean

1. Giant Bat will move forward slightly to be in long-distance alignment with
   your character, then send out a supersonic wave to injure your character,
   causing a couple of medium-damage hits.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves into attacking position.

2. Giant Bat will move forward slightly to be in long-distance alignment with
   your character, then summons a swarm of regular bats at your character,
   causing several low-damage hits.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves into attacking position.

3. Giant Bat will go straight up in front of your character, latch onto him and
   absorb some HP from him, healing itself in the process.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves in front of your character.

Number: 119
Name: Vampire Bat (420HP)
Locations: East Mt. Paozu, Hermit Spring
Drops: 450EXP, 42AP, 220Z, Small Bean, Panic Rcovery

1. Vampire Bat will move forward slightly to be in long-distance alignment with
   your character, then send out a supersonic wave to injure your character,
   causing a couple of medium-damage hits.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves into attacking position.

2.Vampire Bat will move forward slightly to be in long-distance alignment with
   your character, then summons a swarm of regular bats at your character,
   causing several low-damage hits.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves into attacking position.

3. Vampire Bat will go straight up in front of your character, latch onto him
   and absorb some HP from him, healing itself in the process.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves in front of your character.

4. Vampire Bat into the center of the screen, then summons a swarm of regular
   bats at all of your characters, causing several low-damage hits.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves into attacking position.

Number: 120
Name: King Bat (890HP)
Locations: Devil's Toilet, Pilaf's Castle
Drops: 840EXP, 54AP, 360Z, Medium Bean, Panic Recovery

1. King Bat will move forward slightly to be in long-distance alignment with
   your character, then send out a supersonic wave to injure your character,
   causing a couple of medium-damage hits, able to cause your character to
   become confused in the process.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves into attacking position.

2. King Bat will move forward slightly to be in long-distance alignment with
   your character, then summons a swarm of regular bats at your character,
   causing several low-damage hits.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves into attacking position.

3. King Bat will go straight up in front of your character, latch onto him
   and absorb some HP from him, healing itself in the process.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves in front of your character.

4. King Bat into the center of the screen, then summons a swarm of regular
   bats at all of your characters, causing several low-damage hits.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves into attacking position.

Number: 121
Name: Big Crab (800HP)
Locations: Pirate Cave
Drops: 780EXP, 54AP, 320Z, Medium Bean, Defense Water
Weak to Electricity

1. Big Crab goes up straight to its opponent, retreats into its shell, then
   hits him with his pincers, causing a single high-damage hit to its target.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves in front of your character.

2. The Big Crab swipes its claw, causing several small crabs to fall on its
   target, each causing damage.

        GUARD: As soon as the Big Crab swipes its claws.

3. Big Crab moves into the center of its targets row, then shoots out a stream
   of bubbles at your party member, causing a single heavy hit to your

        GUARD: As soon as it moves into position.

Number: 122
Name: Giant Crab (650HP)
Locations: Hermit Spring
Drops: 750EXP, 54AP, 240Z, Medium Bean, Absolute Zero
Weak to Electricity

1. Giant Crab goes up straight to its opponent, retreats into its shell, then
   hits him with his pincers, causing a single high-damage hit to its target.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves in front of your character.

2. Giant Crab moves into the center of the screen, then shoots out a stream of
   bubble at each of your party members, causing a single heavy hit to each

        GUARD: As soon as it moves into position.

3. The Giant Crab swipes its claw, causing several small crabs to fall on its
   target, each causing damage.

        GUARD: As soon as the Giant Crab swipes its claws.

Number: 123
Name: Dark Crab (2000HP)
Locations: Martial Arts Sewers
Drops: 1500EXP, 66AP, 660Z, Medium Bean, Absolute Zero
Weak to Electricity

1. Dark Crab goes up straight to its opponent, retreats into its shell, then
   hits him with his pincers, causing a single high-damage hit to its target.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves in front of your character.

2. The Dark Crab swipes its claw, causing several small crabs to fall on its
   target, each causing damage.

        GUARD: As soon as the Dark Crab swipes its claws.

3. Dark Crab moves into the center of its targets row, then shoots out a stream
   of bubbles at your party member, causing a single heavy hit to your

        GUARD: As soon as it moves into position.

Number: 124
Name: Fishman (600HP)
Locations: Hermit Spring
Drops: 660EXP, 54AP, 210Z, Small Bean, Freeze Recovery
Resistant to Ice, Weak to Electricity

1. Fishman moves into central alignment with his target, jumps into the air,
   and sends a quick wave of water at his target for a single-damaging hit.

        GUARD: As soon as he moves into position.

2. Fishman moves into central alignment with his target, then sends a blast of
   water vapor at his target for a single-damaging hit with the potential to

        GUARD: As soon as he moves into position.

3. Fishman moves into central alignment with his target, jumps into the air,
   and kicks at his target for a single-damaging hit.

        GUARD: As soon as he moves into position.

Number: 125
Name: Man-Fish (680HP)
Locations: Pirate Cave
Drops: 720EXP, 54AP, 420Z, Medium Bean, Absolute Zero
Resistant to Ice, Weak to Electricity

1. Man-Fish moves into central alignment with his target, jumps into the air,
   and sends a quick wave of water at his target for a single-damaging hit.

        GUARD: As soon as he moves into position.

2. Man-Fish moves into central alignment with his target, then sends a blast of
   water vapor at his target for a single-damaging hit with the potential to

        GUARD: As soon as he moves into position.

3. Man-Fish moves into central alignment with his target, jumps into the air,
   and kicks at his target for a single-damaging hit.

        GUARD: As soon as he moves into position.

Number: 126
Name: Magman
Locations: Mt. Kiwi
Drops: 270XP, 30AP, 90Z

1. The Magman will move forward into long-distance range alignment with his
   intended target, then hit the ground and send a burst of flame at his target.

        GUARD: As soon as he moves into his position.

2. The Magman will move forward into long-distance range alignment with his
   intended target, then dash straight forward into his opponent.

        GUARD: As soon as he moves into his position.

Number: 127
Name: Experiment #3 (1480HP)
Locations: Martial Arts Sewers
Drops: 1260EXP, 66AP, 580Z, Recover Capsule, All Recover
Resistant to Fire, Ice, Electricity

1. Experiment #7 disappears for a half a second, teleporting, before teleporting
   right back in front of its target and hitting him over the head once.

        GUARD: As soon as it teleports right in front of your character.

2. Experiment #7 moves in front of your character and shocks him for several
   hits of moderate damage, with the possibility of dealing paralysis.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves right in front of your character.

Number: 128
Name: Experiment #7 (1620HP)
Locations: East City Ruins
Drops: 1660EXP, 60AP, 490Z, HP Drink 50, Recover Capsule
Resistant to Fire, Ice, Electricity

1. Experiment #7 goes in to the center of its opponents row and spurts out some
   sort of strange liquid at its opponent, damaging him once for moderate
   damage, and the possibility of dealing panic.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves into the center row of your character.

2. Experiment #7 disappears for a half a second, teleporting, before teleporting
   right back in front of its target and hitting him over the head once.

        GUARD: As soon as it teleports right in front of your character.

3. Experiment #7 moves in front of your character and shocks him for several
   hits of moderate damage, with the possibility of dealing paralysis.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves right in front of your character.

Number: 129
Name: Experiment #9 (1880HP)
Locations: East City Ruins
Drops: 2100EXP, 72AP, 380Z, Ki Drink 50, Recover Capsule
Resistant to Fire, Ice, Electricity

1. Experiment #9 disappears for a half a second, teleporting, before teleporting
   right back in front of its target and hitting him over the head once.

        GUARD: As soon as it teleports right in front of your character.

2. Experiment #9 goes in to the center of its opponents row and spurts out some
   sort of strange liquid at its opponent, damaging him once for moderate
   damage, and the possibility of dealing panic.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves into the center row of your character.

3. Experiment #7 moves in front of your character and shocks him for several
   hits of moderate damage, with the possibility of dealing paralysis.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves right in front of your character.

Number: 130
Name: Sandman (700HP)
Locations: Desert, Break Wastelands Desert Portion
Drops: 780EXP, 54AP, 220Z, Medium Bean, Large Bean

1. Sandman moves in front of his target and hits him twice with his claws for
   moderate damage.

        GUARD: As soon as he moves in front of your character.

2. Sandman moves in front of his target, then stabs him with his tail, absorbing
   some HP and replenishing it to himself.

        GUARD: As soon as he moves in front of your character.

3. Sandman moves forward to the center of his target's row, and spits out three
   balls of toxin that damage along with the possibility of dealing poison.

        GUARD: As soon as he moves into the center of his target's row.

Number: 131
Name: Yorgan
Locations: Mt. Kiwi
Drops: 330XP, 36AP, 110Z, Hot Capsule

1. Yorgan will move forward slightly and align with his intended target, then
   raise his hand and shoot three flames at his enemy for medium damage.

        GUARD: As soon as he moves into attacking position.

2. Yorgan will move right in front of his foe, then slash twice.

        GUARD: As soon as he moves right in front of your character.

2. Yorgan will move right in front of his foe, then stab your character with
   his tail for four separate damages, draining his HP and reabsorbing it into

        GUARD: As soon as he moves right in front of your character.

Number: 132
Name: Failed Experiment (2890HP)
Locations: East Town Ruins
Drops: 2700EXP, 99AP, 560Z, HP Drink 50, HP Capsule Z
Resistant to Fire, Ice, Electricity

1. Failed Experiment moves slightly back and into the row of his target, then
   spits out three moderately-damaging balls of toxin at his target that can
   poison and paralyze both.

        GUARD: As soon as he moves into his position.

2. Failed Experiment moves up in front of his target, and stabs him with his
   tail, causing three hits of moderate damage which he absorbs to heal himself.

Number: 133
Name: Forest Guard (520HP)
Locations: Yemma Forest
Drops: 270EXP, 36AP, 180Z, Mystery Jewel, Sleep Recovery

1. Forest Guard moves into the back of his target's row, takes out a blue and
   red vial, shakes them around a bit, then throws them at his target for,
   oddly enough, a single hit of heavy damage.

        GUARD: As soon as he finishes shaking his vials.

2. Forest Guard goes up to his opponent and stabs his target with a needle,
   causing two hits, absorbing back some of the damage dealt.

        GUARD: As soon as he moves in front of your character.

Number: 134
Name: Ancient Descendant (800HP)
Locations: Nemuria Ruins
Drops: 900EXP, 66AP, 320Z, Medium Bean, Recover Capsule

1. Ancient Descendant moves into the back of his target's row, takes out a blue
   and red vial, shakes them around a bit, then throws them at his target for,
   oddly enough, a single hit of heavy damage.

        GUARD: As soon as he finishes shaking his vials.

2. Ancient Descendant goes up to his opponent and stabs his target with a
   needle, causing two hits, with the possibility of adding blindness.

        GUARD: As soon as he moves in front of your character.

3. Ancient Descendant goes up to his opponent and hits his target with his
   book, with the possibility of causing stun.

        GUARD: As soon as he moves in front of your character.

Number: 135
Name: Mad Scientist (1400HP)
Locations: East City Ruins
Drops: 1650EXP, 60AP, 380Z, HP Drink 50, All Recovery, Recovery Crest

1. Mad Scientist moves into the back of his target's row, takes out a blue
   and red vial, shakes them around a bit, then throws them at his target for,
   oddly enough, a single hit of heavy damage.

        GUARD: As soon as he finishes shaking his vials.

2. Mad Scientist goes up to his opponent and stabs his target with a
   needle, causing two hits, with the possibility of adding blindness.

        GUARD: As soon as he moves in front of your character.

3. Mad Scientist goes up to his opponent and hits his target with his
   book, with the possibility of causing stun.

        GUARD: As soon as he moves in front of your character.

Number: 136
Name: Tumble Bug
Locations: Break Wasteland
Drops: 96EXP, 12AP, 50Z, Small Bean

1. The Tumblebug will move into the center of his target's row, fall to the
   ground, then rush forward at his opponent, hitting him several times for
   low damage each hit.

        GUARD: Once he lands on the ground.

2. The Tumblebug can raise his Defense.

3. The Tumblebug will move forward slightly in the same row as his target,
   then send out a bunch of silk at his opponent, lowering the target's Speed
   and Evasion stats.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves into position.

Number: 137
Name: Fire Caterpillar
Locations: Mt. Kiwi
Drops: 420EXP, 30AP, 140Z

1. Fire Caterpillar moves slightly forward in the center lane, buries its head
   in the ground, and sends several attacks at each onscreen character for
   a small amount of damage each hit.

        GUARD: Right as soon as the Fire Caterpillar buries its head.

2. Fire Caterpillar can raise its Defense stat.

Number: 138
Name: Caterpillar (650HP)
Locations: Yemma Forest
Drops: 300EXP, 42AP, 250Z, Small Bean, Defense Water, Protective Emblem

1. The Caterpillar will move into the center of the middle row row, fall to the
   ground, then rush forward at the party, hitting all members several times.

        GUARD: Once he lands on the ground.

2. The Caterpillar will raise his own Defense.

3. The Caterpillar will move forward to in front of his target and spray him
   with silk, lowering your character's Speed and Evasion stats.

4. The Caterpillar will move into the center of his target's row, fall to the
   ground, then rush forward at his opponent, hitting him several times for
   low damage each hit.

        GUARD: Once he lands on the ground.

Number: 139
Name: Dark Giras (2800HP)
Locations: Mt. Paozu Dragon Rock
Drops: 3300EXP, 150AP, 650Z, Medium Bean, Large Bean

1. Dark Giras moves up to the center of his target's row, then hits his target
   with a one-two punch with his tail, dealing moderate damage.

        GUARD: Once he moves into the center of a row.

2. Dark Giras goes right up to his target, draws in his breath, then sends it
   back out as a concentrated ball of air at his target that Stuns the target
   (but does not deal damage).

        GUARD: Shortly after he begins to draw in his breath.

3. Dark Giras moves up to the center of his target's row, flaps his wings and
   hovers, then sends out a burst of wind that forms into a tornado, sending
   it at his target, which deals moderate-high damage and can blind.

        GUARD: Once he begins to hover off the ground.

Number: 140
Name: Magmaras
Locations: Mt. Kiwi
Drops: 720EXP, 60AP, 180Z, Medium Bean, Hot Capsule, Burn Capsule

1. Magmaras goes right up to his target and punches him, with the possibility
   of causing stunning.

        GUARD: Right as soon as Magmaras moves into attacking position.

2. Magmaras aligns up with his target at a long distance aways, then hovers in
   the air. He will then flap his wings, and send a single burst of flame at his

        GUARD: As soon as he begins to hover up.

Number: 141
Name: Dengiras (2250HP)
Locations: Yemma Forest
Drops: 1200EXP, 90AP, 920Z, Medium Bean, Thunder Capsule
Resistant to Electricity

1. Dengiras moves up to the center of his target's row, then hits his target
   with a one-two punch with his tail, dealing moderate damage.

        GUARD: Once he moves into the center of a row.

2. Dengiras goes right up to his target, draws in his breath, then sends it
   back out as a concentrated ball of air at his target that Stuns the target
   (but does not deal damage).

        GUARD: Shortly after he begins to draw in his breath.

3. Dengiras moves up to the center of his target's row, flaps his wings and
   hovers, then sends out a burst of wind that forms into a tornado, sending
   it at his target, which deals moderate-high damage and can stun.

        GUARD: Once he begins to hover off the ground.

Number: 142
Name: Roundworm (450HP)
Locations: Spinach Wastes
Drops: 600EXP, 36AP, 150Z, Poison Recovery, Panic Recovery
SPECIAL NOTE: Can only be found inside the caves

1. Roundworm will summon a Roundworm Larva.

2. Roundworm will move to the center of his opponent's row and spit out
   a moderate-damaging ball of toxin that can poison  and blind his opponent.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves into the center of your character's row.

3. Roundworm moves forward slightly into the center of its target's row
   and lunges its neck forward to hit your character with its head for a single
   moderate-damaging attack.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves into the center of your character's row.

Number: 143
Name: Dark Firefly (1800HP)
Locations: Mutaito's Ground
Drops: 2400EXP, 66AP, 420Z, Medium Bean, Mystery Jewel
SPECIAL NOTES: Can only be encountered in the second cave in the area

1. Dark Firefly will move to the center of his opponent's row and spit out
   a moderate-damaging ball of toxin that can poison  and blind his opponent.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves into the center of your character's row.

2. Dark Firefly moves forward slightly into the center of its target's row
   and lunges its neck forward to hit your character with its head for a single
   moderate-damaging attack.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves into the center of your character's row.

3. Dark Firefly will summon a Firefly Larva.

Number: 144
Name: Poison Sandbug (1400HP)
Locations: Desert
Drops: 1320EXP, 66AP, 220Z, Medium Bean, Large Bean, Poison Knuckle

1. Poison Sandbug will summon a Sandbug Larva.

Number: 145
Name: Roundworm Larva (200HP)
Locations: Spinach Wastes
Drops: 120EXP, 6AP, 30Z
SPECIAL NOTES: Can only be encountered by Roundworm summoning it.

1. Roundworm Larva will move to the center of its targets row and spit out a
   couple of balls of toxin that deal very low amounts of damage, but have
   the capability to poison.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves into the center of its targets row.

2. Roundworm Larva will move to the center of its targets row and spit out a
   couple of balls of toxin that deal very low amounts of damage, but have
   the capability to lower its targets Attack.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves into the center of its targets row.

3. Roundworm Larva will jump onto his opponent and suck away some of his Ki.

4. Roundworm Larva will move in front of your central character, bloat up a bit,
   then explode, causing heavy damage to all three characters.

        GUARD: Once the Roundworm Larva begins to bloat up.

Number: 146
Name: Firefly Larva (650HP)
Locations: Mutaito's Grounds
Drops: 300EXP, 24AP, 120Z
SPECIAL NOTES: Can only be encountered by Dark Firefly summoning it.

1. Firefly Larva will move to the center of its targets row and spit out a
   couple of balls of toxin that deal very low amounts of damage, but have
   the capability to poison.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves into the center of its targets row.

2. Firefly Larva will move to the center of its targets row and spit out a
   couple of balls of toxin that deal very low amounts of damage, but have
   the capability to lower its targets Attack.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves into the center of its targets row.

3. Firefly Larva will jump onto his opponent and suck away some of his Ki.

4. Firefly Larva will move in front of your central character, bloat up a bit,
   then explode, causing heavy damage to all three characters.

        GUARD: Once the Firefly Larva begins to bloat up.

Number: 147
Name: Sandbug Larva (450HP)
Locations: Desert
Drops: 180EXP, 6AP, 35Z
SPECIAL NOTES: Can only be encountered by Poison Sandbug summoning it.

1. Sandbug Larva will move to the center of its targets row and spit out a
   couple of balls of toxin that deal very low amounts of damage, but have
   the capability to poison.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves into the center of its targets row.

2. Sandbug Larva will move to the center of its targets row and spit out a
   couple of balls of toxin that deal very low amounts of damage, but have
   the capability to lower its targets Attack.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves into the center of its targets row.

3. Sandbug Larva will jump onto his opponent and suck away some of his Ki.

4. Sandbug Larva will move in front of your central character, bloat up a bit,
   then explode, causing heavy damage to all three characters.

        GUARD: Once the Sandbug Larva begins to bloat up.

Number: 148
Name: Helper Robot
Locations: Holly Plains
           SPECIAL NOTES: Only found by being summoned by Fugitives
Drops: 180EXP, 12AP, 55Z

1. Helper Robot goes straight up to a character, and hits him with its prods,
   zapping its target several times for low damage, with the possibility of
   causing paralysis.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves in front of your character.

2. Helper Robot moves close to (but not quite on front of) its target, and
   hits him with its prods twice for jabbing damage.

        GUARD: As soon as it moves into attacking position.

Number: 149
Name: Someone's Robot (3600HP)
Locations: East City Ruins
Drops: 3906EXP, 156AP, 506Z, HP Capsule 50, Satellite Laser, Diamond
Weak to Ki, Electricity, Resistant to Physical, Fire, Ice

1. Spy Robot moves straight up to his target and hits the target with his prods
   for several hits worth of damage, with the possibility of causing paralysis.

        GUARD: As soon as he moves forward into attacking position.

2. Spy Robot moves straight up to his target and hits the target twice with his
   prods before shooting him a couple of times for moderate damage per hit.

        GUARD: As soon as he moves forward into attacking position.

3. Spy Robot moves straight up to his target and hits the target twice with his
   prods for moderate damage each hit.

        GUARD: As soon as he moves forward into attacking position.

Number: 150
Name: Spy Robot (980HP)
Locations: Muscle Tower
Drops: 1350EXP, 66AP, 180Z, Scrap Iron, HP Drink 50
Weak to Ki, Electricity, Resistant to Physical, Fire, Ice

1. Spy Robot moves straight up to his target and hits the target with his prods
   for several hits worth of damage, with the possibility of causing paralysis.

        GUARD: As soon as he moves forward into attacking position.

2. Spy Robot moves straight up to his target and hits the target twice with his
   prods before shooting him a couple of times for moderate damage per hit.

        GUARD: As soon as he moves forward into attacking position.



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