Final Fantasy 5
ไฟนอล แฟนตาซี 5
Magic: Jikuu Magic
Final Fantasy 5
Level 1
Speed/Drag - Double an ally's agility
Slow - Cause an enemy to move at half speed. Doesn't always work
Regen - Cause an ally to slowly regain HP
Level 2
Mute/Void - Prevents your party from casting spells, and, if you're lucky, prevents the enemy from doing so as well
Fast/Haste - Double an ally's speed
Float - Make an ally/whole party float in the air, making them immune to Quake spells
Level 3
Demi - Reduce an enemy's HP by 1/2. Doesn't always work
Stop - Freeze an enemy in his tracks
Exit - Flee from a battle or from a dungeon. Still can't run from all battles
Level 4
Comet - Damage 1 enemy
Slow2 - Cause all enemies to move at half speed. Doesn't always work on all enemies
Retrn/Reset - Go back to the beginning of the battle
Level 5
Qrter - Reduce an enemy's HP by 3/4. Doesn't always work
Fast2/Hast2 - Cause your whole party to move at double speed
Old - Cause an enemy to age. Doesn't always work
Level 6
Meteo - Blast 4 enemies randomly
Quick - Caster can do double commands. Great to combine with XFight and Fast
XZone - Throw an enemy into the Cleft of Dimension. Still works in the Cleft of Dimension, doesn't always work