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Final Fantasy 6

( as Final Fantasy VI, Final Fantasy III (usa) )

ไฟนอล แฟนตาซี 6

Enemy Attacks

Final Fantasy 6

Enemy Attack Enemies who use Effect
10xLoad Cactrot 10000 Damage
4xAttack SrBehemoth 4 Medium Power Physical Attacks
50 Gs Dirt Drgn Brings Any Flying Characters Back Down to the Ground
Absolute Zero Spit Fire, Ice Dragon, Pan Dora, Doom Medium Power Ice Attack
Acid Rain Ghost Train, Ultros, Blue Drgn Medium Power Physical Attack, Slowly Degenerates HP
Aero Storm Drgn, Doom Gaze Extremely Powerful Wind Attack on Everyone
Aqua Rake Anguiform, Enuo, Blue Drgn Medium Power Water Damage
Atomic Ray Air Force Medium Power Type-less Damage to Everyone
Axe Leader, Templar Medium Power Physical Attack
BabaBreath Phunbaba Removes A Character From Battle
Backlash Sky Armor Weak Power Physical Attack
Bacteria Vermin Casts Poison???
Bane Touch Trilium Poison Attack
Beak Vindr Turns Target to Stone
Bite Were Rat, Vector Pup Weak Power Physical Attack
Blaster Sky Base Kills target (if succesful)
Blaze Bomb, Atma Weapon Medium Power Fire Attack
Blinder Tumbleweed Casts Blind on Target
Blizzard Vommamoth Weak Power Ice Attack
Blow Sp Forces, Crusher Medium Power Physical Attack
Blow Fish Brainpan, Phunbaba, Phase 1000 Damage to Target
Bolt Edge Ninja, Katana Soul, Covert Medium Power Lightning Attack on Everyone
Bomblet FlameEater Calls Enemy Balloons Into Battle
Bone Fossil Fang, Zombone Casts Zombie
Capture Harvester Steals Money and Does Minimal Damage
Carrot Nohrabbit Weak Power Physical Attack
Charge Marshal Medium Power Physical Attack
Charm Chadarnook Enemy Gains Control of Target
Clamp Sand Horse Casts Slow on Target
Clean Sweep Enuo, Blue Drgn Medium Power Water Attack
Cleaver Pug Weak Power Physical Attack
Cling Poplium Casts Slow on Target
Cold Dust Dragon, Naughty, Zone Eater Turns Target to Ice(Cannot Attack)
Condemned Nerapa, Still Life, Critic Target Dies When Countdown Reaches Zero
Counter Soldier Weak Power Counter Attack
Critical Guard Weak Power Physical Attack
Crush Io Weak Power Physical Attack
Crystal TapDancer 9999 Damage (Usually)
Cyclonic Wyvern, Wiery Drgn, Aquila Reduces HP To Single Digits
Dash Tomb Thumb Weak Power Physical Attack
Daze Dance PowerDemon Drains HP out of Target
Delta Hit Moe, Larry, Curly Turns Target to Stone
Destroy Iron Hitman Strong Lightning Attack
Diffuser Spit Fire, Lethal Wpn Weak Power ?? Damage to Everyone
Digestive Slurm Slowly Degenerates HP
Dirk Soul Dancer Medium Power Throw Attack
Disaster Brachosaur 9999 Damage
Disaster Chaos Dragon Confuses Target
Dischord Chaser Cuts Target's Level by 1/2
Dissapear Covert Caster Turns Invisible
Dive Dark Wing Weak Power Physical Attack
Doom Kiss Chadarnook Casts Condemened on Target
Doom Pollen Exoray Turns Target into a Zombie
Doom Sickle Toe Cutter Drains HP out of Target  
Doom Sting Scorpion When Countdown Reaches Zero Target Dies
Down Dust Abolisher Poisons Target
Dread Over Mind Casts Doom
Dreamland DeepEye Puts Target to Sleep
Drill Ghost Train Strong Power Physical Attack
El Nino Rizopas Medium Power Water Attack
Energy Sap Bloompire Turns Target Into Zombie
Engulf Zone Eater Sucks Target Into Gogo's Lair
Entwine Tentacle Casts Slow on Target
Escape Mesosaur Enemy Escapes From Battle
Evil Toot Pan Dora, Ghost Train Casts Random Status Ailments
Fallen One Doom Drgn, Kefka Reduces Everyone's HP to 1
Fatal Samurai Kills Target
Feeler Crawler, Sea Flower Casts Poison on Target
Fire Skean Ninja, Katana Soul, Covert Medium Power Fire Attack on Everyone
Fireball Number 024, Chupon, Mag Roader (brown), Red Dragon Weak Power Fire Attack On Everyone
Firewall Ghost Medium Power Fire Attack
Flap Aquila Casts Berserk on Target
Flare Star Atma Weapon, Red Dragon, Io AGH! Extreme Fire Damage To Everyone!!! Watch out!!!
Flash Rain Parasoul, Rain Man, Hipocampus Weak Lightning / Water Attack
Full Power Atma Weapon Powerful Physical Attack
Gale Cut Katana Soul Medium Power Wind Attack
Gamma Rays Scullion Casts Condemn on Target
Giga Volt Aspik, Presenter Strong Lightning Attack
Glare Ing Blinds Target
Green Cherry Umaro Raises Caster's Fighting Abilities Considerably
Gold Lance Test Rider Medium Power Physical Attack
Gold Wrench Gobbledegak Weak Power Physical Attack
Goner Goner Extreme Physical Damage To Everyone
Gore Tusker Medium Power Physical Attack
Gouge Gold Bear Medium Power Physical Attack
Gp Rain Katana Soul Throws Gold at Enemies for Small to Medium Damage
Grab Nastidon Weak Power Physical Attack
Grand Train Hidon Powerful Non-Elemental Magic Attack
Grav Bomb Scullion Doom, if it fails, it does medium damage
Grenade FlameEater Brings Enemy Grenade Into Battle
Grip Harpy Medium Power Physical Attack
Grudge Commander Weak Power Physical Attack, Sometimes Attacks Twice
Guardian Soul Dancer Powerful Throw Attack
Gunk Muus Casts Slow on Target
Gunk(different) Figaliz Casts Poison on Target
Havoc Wing Kefka 9999 Damage
Hay Maker GtBehemoth Strong Physical Attack
Head Butt HadesGigas Medium Power Physical Attack
Hit Naughty Weak Power Physical Attack
Honed Tusk Dirt Drgn Medium Power Physical Attack
Hug Humpty Confuses Target
Husk Cephaler Weak Power Physical Attack
Hyper Drive Kefka Very Power Physical Attack
Hypno Gas Sr Behemoth Puts Target to Sleep
Imp Glare Lizard Turns Target Into an Imp
Imp Song Apparite Same effect as the spell Imp
Imp Touch Anemone Casts Imp on Target
Imperial Katana Soul, Outsider Massive Damage to a Single Target (9000+ Damage)
Ink Nautiloid, Ultros(all forms) Casts Blind
Inscisor Leafer, Rhobite, Sewer Rat Weak Power Physical Attack
Jump Reach Frog Caster Temporarily Leaves Battle to Deal Extra Damage
Launcher Proto Armor, Pluto Armor, Lethal Wpn, Scullion Extreme Damage To Everyone!!
Level 3 Muddle Trapper, Apokryphos, Goblin Confuse To Everyone Who's Levels Are a Multiple of 3
Level 4 Flare Trapper, Apokryphos, Goblin Flare To Everyone Who's Levels Are a Multiple of 4
Level 5 Doom Trapper, Apokryphos, Goblin, Doom Gaze Death To Everyone Who's Levels Are a Multiple of 5
Level ? Pearl Dullahan Casts Pearl on Target's with Levels Equal to Last Digit in your Gold
Lifeshaver Ing, Misfit, Tumbleweed, Karkass Drains LOTS of HP
Lightning Rizopas Medium Power Lightning Attack
Lode Stone Ultros(3rd encounter) Reduces HP by 3/4
Lode Wrench GreaseMonk Weak Power Physical Attack
Love Charm Goddess Target Attacks His Own Party
Mad Sickle Neck Hunter Confuses Target
Mad Touch Lich Confuses Target
Magic Drain Warlock Weak Version of Osmose
Magnitude8 HadesGigas, Latimeria, Presenter Strong Power Earth Attack
Mega Volt Anemone Weak Power Lightning Attack
Megazerk Telstar Casts Berserk
Metal Kick M-Tekarmor, HeavyArmor Weak Power Physical Attack
Metal Punch Mega Armor Weak Power Physical Attack
Meteo Intangir, Sr Behemoth Very Powerful Fire Attack
Mind Blast Atma Weapon Casts Multiple Status Ailments
Mind Reaper Mantodea Drains HP out of Target
Mind Shock Psychot Drains HP out of Target
Mirror Orb Boxed Set Medium Power Lightning Attack
Missle Missle Bay, Sky Cap, Lethal Wpn Medium Power Physical Attack
Morn Star Dullahan Powerful Physical Attack
Mythril Knife Soul Dancer Medium Power Throw Attack
N. Cross Doom Freezes Everyone (Paralyze)
Nail Adamanchyt Medium Power Physical Attack
Net Marshal, Arneid Casts Stop
OctopusInk Ultros(4th) Weak Power Attack Plus Blind
OogyBoog Bogy Weak Power Physical Attack
Ore Wrench 1st Class Weak Power Physical Attack
Overcast Goddess Casts Condemn on Entire Party
Overflow Number 024 Confuses Target
Pal Maker Ceritops Casts Imp on Target
Parasol Joker Weak Power Physical Attack
Pause Ghost Casts Stop
Pearl Wind Peepers, Curly Heals Party to an amount equal to Caster's HP
Pep Up Muus Caster Sacrifices Life to Refill Target's HP
Petriglare Geckorex Turns Target to Stone
Phantasm Chadarnook Quickly Drains HP out of Everyone
PoisonBarb Trilobiter Casts Poison on Target
Poison Claw Allosaurus Casts Poison on Target
Poison Pod Nightshade Casts Poison on Target
Poison Tail Earth Guard Casts Poison on Target
Pounce Fidor Medium Power Physical Attack
Program 17 Chaser Casts Safe?????
Program 18 Trapper Casts Reflect on Target
Program 35 Proto Armor Weak Power Physcial Attack
Program 65 Commando Casts Mute on Target
Propeller Spitfire Weak Power Physical Damage
Quasar Goddess Weak Non-Elemental Attack
R. Polarity Rider Changes Target's Row
Raid Mandrake, Figaliz, Hidon Same Effect As Drain
Red Dance Soul Dancer Drains HP out of Target
Red Line Rhinotaur Weak Power ??? Attack
Revenge Pan Dora Equalizing Blow
Rib Displayer Weak Power Physical Attack
Rippler Reach Frog Trades Status With Target
Roulette Critic Randomly Kills One Target (Everyone is a Target)
Rush Red Wolf, Mag Roader (brown) Weak Power Physical Attack
S. Cross Ice Drgn Freezes One Person
Sand Storm Fossil Fang, Black Drgn, Sand Horse, Hoover Strong Power Wind Attack
Scar Beam Ghost Train Medium Power Physical Attack, Various Status Effects
Schiller Telstar, Proto Armor Casts Blind
Scissors Maliga Weak Power Physical Attack
Scratch Wild Rat, Spek Tor Weak Power Physical Attack
Seize Tentacle Casts Slow On Target
Seize(different) Tentacle Removes Target From Play For A Limited Time
Shimsham Vulture, Gobbler Reduces HP by 1/2
Shockwave Dadaluma Medium Power ??? Attack
Shrapnel Pluto Armor Medium Power Physical Attack
Sickle Harvester Weak Power Physical Attack
Sightless Dahling Casts Blind on Target
Silence Gobbler Casts Mute On Target
Silencer Apokryphos Casts Mute on Target
Silver Pike Rider Strong Power Physical Attack
Slap Barb-e Casts Mute on Target
Sleep Sting Mind Candy Puts Target to Sleep
Slide Dirt Drgn Weak Power Earth Attack
Slime Enuo Casts Slow On Target
Slip Anchor Sky Cap Medium Power Physical Attack
Slip Wing Pterodon, Wyvern Slowly Degenerates HP
Smirk Brainpan Casts Stop on Target
Spin Slice Parasoul Powerful Physical Attack
Solar Plex Phunbaba Medium Power Physical Attack
Soul Out PowerDemon Turns Target into a Zombie
Sour Mouth Mad Oscar Casts Many Status Ailment's on Target(s)
Sneeze Baskervor, Adamanchyt, Chupon, Dragon, Suriander, Wart Puck Removes Target From Battle
Steal Ursus Steals GP from Target
Stench Eland ????
Step Mine Master Pug, Pug Does Damage Based on How Many Steps Have Been Taken
Stone Iron Fist, Ulrtos(3rd) Does Medium Physcial Damage To Everyone and Confuses
Swing Trooper Weak Power Counter Attack
T. Lash Mesosaur Slowly Degenerates HP
Tackle Ralph Weak Power Physical Attack
Tail Sand Ray, Peepers Weak Power Physical Attack
Tail (different) Poppers Casts Imp on Target
Take Down Behemoth Powerful Physical Attack
Tek Barrier Heavy Armor, Cranes Casts Reflect
Tek Laser M-Tekarmor, HeavyArmor, Proto Armor, Mega Armor, Chaser, Sky Armor, Laser Gun, Pluto Armor Medium Power Lightning Attack
Tentacle Ultros(all forms) Medium Power Physical Attack
Throat Jab Gigantos Very Powerful Physical Attack
Tongue Reach Frog ?????
Tusk Lobo Weak Power Physical Attack
Unbrawler Rain Man Puts Target to Sleep
Virite Exoray Weak Physical Damage and Poison to Everyone
Waist Shake Tap Dancer Confuses Target
Wall Change Number 024, Master Pug, Magi Master Changes Weakness
Water Edge Ninja, Covert Medium Power Water Damage to Everyone
WaveCannon Io, Scullion, Poltergeist Weak Power Physical Attack
Wheel Ghost Train, Mag Roader(purple, yellow) Weak Power Physical Attack
Wind Slash Storm Drgn, Covert Powerful Wind Attack on Everyone
Wing Pterodon Slowly Degenerates HP
Wing(different) Wirey Drgn Powerful Physical Attack
Wing Saber Storm Drgn Powerful Wind Attack on one Target
Wing Snap GrassHoppr Casts Berserk on Target
Wing Wisp Insecare Casts Berserk on Target
Wrench Repo Man Weak Power Physical Attack
Yawn Suriander Puts Target to Sleep
Zap Goblin Medium Power Physical Attack
Zinger Wrexsoul Caster Possesses Target Body, and doesn't come out until target dies
Zombistick Necromancr Turns Target Into A Zombie
Zombite Orog, Ogor Turns Target into a Zombie



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