Grandia 2
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Grandia 2 [Guide by]
Grandia 2
When everybody is reunited, leave the Crash Site and pick up the treasures lying on your path. In Lumir Forest Cavern 1, you must cut grey lianas that block the road in order to pass. The Giant Crabs jump randomly and are annoying; nothing to do with the crabs we all have learned to appreciate and love so much. From the entrance of the cave, the exit is found by going left, then straight. It gets a bit more complicated in Lumir Forest Cavern 2. There are five odd-looking green lianas coming out of suspicious pools in the first room. Each time you slice a liana, a "door" appears in the nearest green wall. Those new passages lead to treasures, dead-ends or, obviously, the exit. Cut the liana right in front of the entrance and enter the newly created door. Then, whenever there is an intersection, go: left, left, straight and right. In the two caverns, some items are hidden in "secret rooms" closed by grey lianas. It is easier to find those rooms if you walk all the way back from the exit to the entrance of the caverns. In the last part of the forest, after the second cave, the road becomes smaller and foggy at same point. This leads to the Garden of Dreams, your next destination. This place is filled with flowers and fairies that some people might be tempted to qualify as being cute. But not me. :P A little girl with green hair and strange eyes appears and says stuff that freaks Elena out. The girl disappears behind the tree and as soon as you leave the Garden, the latter vanishes as well. Go in the opposite direction of the Garden entrance to enter Mirumu Village. Hatman: All Tutorials When they see your group, the villagers and the Chief jump at your neck because they think you are coming from the Cathedral to help them. In fact, they are waiting for Selene, the High Priestess. The village has been struck by a strange curse (looks like Liligue...): random people fall asleep, permanently, and dream about pretty flowers. Go to the Chief's place and then, to the Inn. The innkeeper's son has recently fallen ill. It happened when he was playing with a young girl named Aira. Everybody in town accuses the girl's mother, Sandra, of sorcery. If you want to learn more about it, talk to the townspeople. Go to Sandra's house to discuss with her. It seems that Aira is the girl you met in the Garden of Dreams. Come back to the entrance of the village. Selene and her Knights have finally arrived. A long conversation between her and your group ensues. Basically, she says that she wants to burn down the village to purify it from Valmar's evilness if the culprits do not show themselves. She forbids anybody to leave Mirumu until the problem is solved. Return to the Inn to eat and sleep. At night, everybody, except Elena, has strange dreams haunted by eyes. The truth is that there really are eyes in the village. Flying eyeballs! They are coming from a Fissure in the mountain close to Sandra's house. Confident that defeating those monsters will lift the curse on the village, you all agree to head for the Fissure. There is a Save Point near the entrance.
Choose the path on your right and walk until you reach a giant snail. Climb it and turn right. A Save Point is standing only a few steps away from there. Another Seal of Lord Granas is inside the Mysterious Fissure Depths... broken! Wow. However, you only have to defeat four Eyeball Bats (no disgusting Valmar stuff...). Try killing one of them as soon as you can or they will perform their dreadful Delta Attack on one of your friends. It nearly kills the person who receives the blow. Nightmare Ball from Elena works, so you can let two or three of them sleeping while beating up the other(s). They drop the Book of Warriors after the battle. Even after killing the Eyeballs, the villagers are still not healed. Actually, more of them have fallen ill. Go to the Town Hall to talk with Selene and then, return to Sandra's house. Aira is playing near the shed (behind her house) and looks strange, as usual. Follow her into the shed and jump down the hole in the ground. You find yourself at the exact same place where you fought the four Eyeball Bats. You are mysteriously teleported back to the Garden of Dreams with Aira. While talking with her, she suddenly gets scared and runs away. You must return to Mirumu all by yourself. Selene is at Sandra's house and wants to purify the mother and her child with fire. After a brief scene, Aira vanishes and Millenia "switches" with Elena. Go back to the Garden of Dreams (you may want to buy a few Lumir Flowers and Blueberries before) and enter Aira's soul, cleverly named Aira's Space.
Aira's Space 1: This place really looks like a dream in white shades and transparency. Star Mirages move in large groups of six. Trying to save your MP for later is futile; use your strongest magic on them (fire-based spells work well). Do not lose track of where you are going or you will turn around in circles and come back at the entrance. At the end of some "peninsula", a bridge periodically appears and disappears. You may not see it the first time you pass there, though, so just be patient and pay attention. On the other side, there is, after a little walk, a bell which serves to call a taxi (a blue flying whale) that brings you to a brown place with weird machines. Those do nothing, so continue to Aira's Space 2. Aira's Space 2: All the bridges are blocked by huge eyeballs. Slice them if you want to cross. :P Sometimes, black holes appear on the ground and sharp fangs come out of them. They inflict damage. :P Explore all the paths; some lead to treasures. Next to an enclosure, in which you are forced to beat monsters, a Save Point is patiently waiting for you to use it. Then, approach the giant eye and enter it once the bridge is formed. Room of Solitude: Aira is standing in the middle of the room and is rather unhappy. The Eye of Valmar makes its entrance, taking the girl's place. I think this boss is one of the most unpleasant in the entire world. :P The Eyeball Bats do not necessarily hit hard, but they are everywhere and always ready to fight. Kill one of them at the beginning so they will not use their Delta Attack. Then, focus all your efforts on Valmar's Eye. It uses some special attacks that confuse (Polen Spew) or paralyse (Spellbinding Eye) your party members, but nothing really more devastating than that. You get three items from this boss, including the Gravity Egg. Millenia receives the move Spellbinding Eye. I repeat you should upgrade it as soon as you can (I said it on the walkthrough main page, but you probably have not read it :P). You are all back in the Garden of Dreams. Sandra is weeping at her daughter's side while a sad theme is playing. There is a lot of talking between Millenia and yourself before actually returning to Mirumu. Now that almost everybody is happy ("tearful" in the title is not there to make it all looks more tragic), you can leave for the Cathedral through the St. Heim Mountains with Elena. In case you are interested, a different scene takes place at the Inn if you spend the night.
It seems like the road is endless in those mountains because it is divided in many little parts and there are a lot of goings-in-and-out of the caverns. A Save Point is on your right near the entrance. I suggest you explore the mountains and beat up a few monsters there. As usual, all paths bring you to treasures or the exit. In Base - Part 2 (just don't forget to count the parts :P), there is a SE-CRET cavern under the waterfall. Inside it are pretty treasures. You decide to camp in Caverns - Part 2 to regain some strength. Then, "they" try to trick you into thinking it takes more than two days to reach the other side of the mountains by making you camp again in Halfway Up - Part 1. Anyway. :P Not far away from where you spent the night, there is a small lake and an axe at its bottom. To get it (and because you can not swim; the lake is sooo deep), push the boulder on top of the waterfall. If you search a little along the road in Halfway Up - Part 2, you might find a large door oddly carved. It is pointless. You will never use it. :P Stop wandering around and enter St. Heim. Hatman: All Tutorials In St. Heim, a guardian priest near the entrance tells Elena that she can meet the Pope right away if she wishes. She prefers to go to the Cathedral later because she wants to take a rest at the Inn and wash herself. While eating, a priest comes in and announces that Zera requires Elena's immediate presence. Soon after, another priest (full'o them) enters and asks everybody else to come see the Pope as well. Visit the town (or not... the Squeak-Baas in the pastures are supposed to be cute) and go to the Cathedral. There are two staircases in the Lobby. The right one leads to the Balcony (useless for now) and the left one to the Guestroom, the Library and a Save Point. Talk to the priest in front of the middle door and he will allow you (only Ryudo) to enter the Audience Chamber and hear Zera's magnificent speech about Light and Darkness. His Holiness invites you to his private apartments and explains that in order to help Elena, you must find the Granasaber, the sword used by Lord Granas ages ago in the Battle of Good and Evil. No one really knows where it is, so all you will have to do is following the road on the map. :P After this little meeting, go to the Library to relate the recent events to Mareg and Roan. A few hours later, a guy comes in and says that Valmar is in the Cathedral, where Valmar = Millenia. She is on the Balcony, looking at the moon. Go there and have a discussion with her. The next day, return in the Audience Chamber to tell Zera you will search for the Divine Sword. He gives to Elena a special item, the Book of Priests. Then, before heading for the Pilgrim Road, buy a lot of those precious Butter Rolls at the General Store (you can spend the night at the Inn, if desired).
There are two ways to reach the exit of the Pilgrim Road. The easy one: use the main road with fountains and statues. The "hard" one: use the ladders on the sides of the road to put a feet on the ground, beat monsters and get treasures while slowly progressing toward the exit. It could be a good idea to gain some experience there and more importantly, MC and SC. Have fun. :P
There is a road in Raul Hills 1, but it is a trick! If you follow it, it will only lead you to DEATH. Leave the main road by turning right after the second signpost (the signposts are on the left side of the road) and search for the ancient ruins entrance. If you talked to everybody in St. Heim, you should know how to find your way across the ruins. If not, then you must walk on the white (or light grey) tiles. Raul Hills 2 is amusing for its pink plants. Well, it is not really THAT amusing, but you can hit them to find treasures. Or Chameleons. The road is not as tricky as the one in the first part of the Hills because it truly brings you to the exit. Turn left at the first intersection and you should be fine. Hatman: All Tutorials Cyrum is Roan's hometown, but he seems to be strangely embarrassed to return there. Visit the Kingdom if you wish. However, there is nothing much to do yet. Everybody is talking about the Bazaar that will be held in the Castle Square the next day. Go to the Inn to spend the night. Roan leaves before eating for some unknown reason, but who cares? Pwa ha ha! :P To obtain information about the Granasaber, the innkeeper suggests that you ask a guy named Hemble at the Bazaar. But! Because he is a pervert, you must be accompanied by Elena and present yourself as a schmaltzy couple. Hee-hee. At night, all sorts of things happen, starring various and new characters. The next morning, go to the Castle Square. Hemble's stand is next to the juice one (near the Square entrance). When inside his tent (also stupidly called "Informant's Tent"), you are introduced to the... first Grandia II mini game! You must play arm wrestle with the guy to extract the precious information from his ugly mouth. The instructions on how to play are given in the game, so I will not repeat them here. :P Anyway, it is impossible to lose that match. As expected, Hemble knows nothing about the Divine Sword, which means you lost your time faking to be Elena's boyfriend. For more crazy adventures in the Bazaar, read the corresponding section on the Miscellaneous page. Once outside the tent, Elena sits on a bench and asks for something to quench her thirst. Go get herself a drink at the juice stand, ya lazy bum! The clerk offers four juices, but the only one you can choose is the last, in the blank space. When you come back to give it to Elena, Millenia is standing there and jumps at your side, as usual. While trying to leave the Bazaar, Millenia forces you to take a short break at the MAU tribe stand. A few minutes later, Mareg and Roan joins you. The cute little boy is apparently anxious because there is trouble at the Castle. He tells you to take a boat to sneak in by the rear gate. Follow his indications and embark on the fair ship that mysteriously leads you to the correct place all by itself. Talk to the two soldiers near the dock to enter a not so Secret Passage.
This cave holds a truly happy event: your long awaited reunion with Carro. If you have played correctly the game up until now or have read the Miscellaneous page when suggested to, you should have three Poff Nuts. :P If so, give them to Carro and it will jump in your arms with its lighted tail. A Save Point is a few steps away from there, to your right. Then, go in the other direction, push the box and continue straight. You must pull a few levers to cross the river and eventually open the large steel door. Behind the latter, the useless Carro leaves, but no worries. You will meet again. In the last room, push the wall where the "!" sign appears to finally sneak in the Castle. On the right side of the corridor, there is a Save Point. Enter the big door on the other side to see what is the terrible secret lying inside. A strange dude, Menory, and a large gate are all you can see, though. Turn back and climb the stairs next to the Save Point. They lead to the Castle Lobby. Go to the King's room. In the Lobby, a lady named Marie can give you directions if you are lost like a little school girl. After your discussion with the all powerful King, go back to see Menory and enter the Gate of Darkness (Underground Plant). (I know, I know. Very bad word play. :P)
Underground Plant 1: As always, there is a Save Point next to the entrance. Look around for treasures and get used to the foes there. Then, find the stairs leading to the lower floor and pull the red lever. What could we do without nifty levers? Probably nothing. Pulling it created a new passage on your left: four green steel tubes (I am assuming it is steel) came out of the wall. So, use them to enter the next part of the Plant. Underground Plant 2: This place looks complicated, but it is only an illusion. All you have to do is following the arrows on the beams. -_- Sometimes, there is more than one direction to choose from, but one of the two undoubtedly leads to a treasure or a dead-end. You will have to play with a few levers again, but there is not even a pattern to igure out. Pull them and continue on the new path revealed by their activation. Underground Plant 3: Walk around, explore and pick up treasures. Since it is the last place where you can fight enemies before meeting the boss, take this occasion to level up if you think you need to. The door to the Control Room is next to the Save Point. Control Room: Walk to the center of the room and prepare yourself for the big battle. This time, the Claws of Valmar are trying to beat you up. The Left Arm heals the Claw. Therefore, kill it as soon as possible. The Claw has its share of annoying attacks like Infernal Sigh (fire-based), Avenging Claw (ice-based) and Tail Piercer (physical/cancel attack), but the problem is solved easily by using Spellbinding Eye from Millenia (a lot of Butter Rolls are useful there). You acquire the Book of Gales after the fight and Millenia gains the move Grudging Claws (very powerful). You find out that the thing possessed by the Claws of Valmar was an Automata. The whole Plant's purpose was to create those robots to fight against Granas in the Battle of Good and Evil. Roan is shocked to learn that and hits on the nearest device, leading to the destruction of the Plant... o_O Before escaping, Mareg takes the Automata with him because he is a nice guy. Aww. After your conversation with the Automata, go to the King's room. You come in just in time to hear a mysterious individual striking the King down. In case you still had not guessed, this guy is Melfice. You must fight him, but it is impossible to win. Let him hurt you to death. By the way, if you are playing the PS2 version, this battle is particularly painful to look at. :P You are saved by Tio who uses her ring to block Melfice's attack. The bad guy escapes by the window, making a mess all over the place. Roan is more determined than ever to make his Kingdom grows stronger by taking pride in being called the People of Darkness. Yes, HIS Kingdom. He is heir to the throne. Oh my God, what a surprise! :P He is crowned King and with his new haircut, he gives an astounding speech in front of a cheering crowd. Then, leave by the main entrance of the Castle. You decide to head for the Island of Garlan to track down Melfice. Fortunately, Roan lends you a ship to go there. Outside the Castle gates, the Automata, known as Tio, is waiting for you. She has nowhere to go, so Mareg takes her under his wing, or axe. Whatever. Go to the Port (and to the Inn, if you want to spend the night). Talk to the guy near the ship in the Port. He is Captain Bakala, your new best friend. He likes to give all sorts of advice and to say "Arr." When you are ready (buying Move Blessings and Poison Antidotes would be a great idea), enter the spectacular vessel. On the trip, talk to everybody, including the Captain on the deck. Since Elena is seasick and there is not enough wind to cross the Granacliffs, the Captain stops at Ceceile Reef for the night. |
While the Captain is waiting on the 50/50, walk around and explore the region. A few suspicious rocks rest along the road, but they do nothing more than what rocks normally do. For now. You choose to camp in a nearby area with your companions, but your night is spent discussing with Elena... and fighting those rocks because they were Crimson Claws in disguise! The next day, you can not return to the ship. The tide has come in and blocks the path. Noooo, people can not swim in that game. You must return where Elena and yourself had a cute conversation the night before and continue through Ceceile Reef 1 from there. It is quite simple to find your way through this Reef. Be careful, though, because sometimes, ferocious Crimson Claws jump out from holes in the rock walls. At some point in Ceceile Reef 2, there are grey rocks on the shore (on your right). If you follow them, you will discover a Save Point and the two Crimson Tails. The bosses' most powerful attack is Phantom Echo. It hits some of your members and lowers their DEF. Apart from that, they are like normal foes, but with more HP. They drop the Soul Egg when defeated. Soon after is Ceceile Reef Point. Jump down and return to the ship. You are now a few seconds away from witnessing the greatness of the 50/50 and the humour of the Captain! :D Well, it only means that you will cross the Granacliffs and reach Garlan. Hatman: All Tutorials Garlan is your hometown, but the villagers are obviously not happy to see you again. It seems that you have something to do with Melfice's sexiness, er I mean evilness. After being insulted by the Chief and some townspeople, go to your old house (upper west corner of the village) and watch yourself fighting with Gatta. Then, go to the Inn to sleep. That evening, Elena finally learns the unbearable truth about your past. You wake up with the inexplicable feeling that Melfice is on his way to Grail Mountain. The entrance is next to the graveyard. Buy a lot of Grail Fruits at the General Store before going there. If you think you have not been insulted enough yet, talk to the nice people in the village.
Grail Mountain is truly a detestable place. Ugly, dark, boring, long; it possesses all those "qualities". Moreover, there is not even an obvious road to follow due to sticky black pools of unknown stuff everywhere. Therefore, check the compass. It will do a far better job than myself at telling you where to go. On a few occasions, you must push a tombstone to dry a nearby river from its green fluid in order to cross it. The entrance to the Shrine is on the other side of the Shrine Square, after Grail Mountain 2. They had a lot of imagination for the places names. Inside the Shrine, there is a Seal of Lord Granas in which the Horns of Valmar were resting. When you come back in the Square, Melfice gives a brief speech and subtly invites you to follow him to Grail Mountain 3. At the end of the "road", the Plateau of Memories is lying and the battle with Melfice begins. If you are not strong enough, Melfice will be a real pain in the ass. Equip Life Up to as many people as you can. I must repeat the the stats and magic boosting skills really make a difference. So, equip them. Melfice can easily block your moves and magic, which is simply unbearable. The Sword has the following powerful attacks, each of these corresponding to one of your moves: Wailing Soul Slash (Purple Lightning) and Demon Horde Slash (Sky Dragon Slash; you get it after the battle). Moves and normal attacks do not harm the Sword; use magic instead. On the other hand, the Regenerator is weak against physical hits and casts a lot of ACT/DEF/MOV boosting spells on Melfice. The latter can be hurt with both magic and moves, but he has a good defence. If you think you can pass a turn without healing, you are probably wrong. When the Sword is dead, Melfice uses the attack Evil Horns on some members of your party. As expected, it hurts. :P I normally kill the Sword first, then Melfice with magic. You will run out of SP pretty early in the fight and Blueberries or Butter Rolls insignificantly recover your SP. So, magic is more convenient to use. Before dying, Melfice tells you that the Granasaber lies to the East, along the Granacliffs. Once their host is dead, the Horns need another body to live and yours seems to be the most available at the moment. It literally strikes you down and your friends must carry you to the Inn in Garlan. You are lying in a bed at the Inn and you must fight in your dreams to release Melfice from his sufferings. Of course, you easily succeed to, but only with the help of Elena and Millenia. When you wake up, you still have the Horns in you. Millenia gently sealed them. As long as you do not succumb to anger, you will be fine. Good. Level up the newly acquired move SKY DRAGON SLASH NOW. Then, return to the 50/50 and allow the Captain to guide you to the East, toward the Island of Arachna. On the trip, Elena talks to herself and is traumatized that she had to rely on Millenia to save you. Anyway, she is a Sister after all. The Captain leaves you on a beach, near Ghoss Forest West. Mareg says he knows this place because the road leads to his hometown. Bakala gives you some love advice and prepares himself to return to Cyrum. Head for the Forest entrance, near the Save Point.
Mareg absoluetly wants to stop at his village because he desires to discuss with the village Elder about your quest. The way to follow is not confusing at all. Giant pink flowers bend down over the rivers to create bridges. Just make sure to not let them fall on you or you will get hurt. The orange leaves hanging in the trees are secret doors. Push them to take the treasures hidden behind. I recommend levelling up the move Lotus Flower from Tio at this point, if you have not already. The majority of your time in Ghoss Forest West 2 is spent on tree trunks. Walk on the leaves of the red flowers to form new passages. The Claws of Valmar were sealed in the middle of this forest, where the land is now befouled and black. Mareg's village, Nanan, is only a trunk away from there. Hatman: All Tutorials A guy at the entrance warmly welcomes Mareg back. The first thing you need to do is visiting the Elder in his house. He explains that their tribe does not pray to Light nor Darkness, but simply lives through feelings, which pisses Elena off. To celebrate the return of Mareg, an enormous feast will be held in the village square at night. However, before celebrating, the Elder wants Elena and yourself to do a special task that no one in Nanan can perform... You must go in the Hut of Trials and try coming back alive. Preparations are futile as you will soon learn that dangers are merely inexistent in there. Read the Miscellaneous page for more details. Once your mission accomplished, you are allowed to participate to the feast. If you talk to the Elder, he will ask you to do something, anything, to get into the rejoicing spirit. Elena's song is perfect for the occasion. After her musical performance, accompany her to the Spring. Watch the scene and laugh at the corniness of the dialogues and situation. :P The next morning, leave for Ghoss Forest East (spend the night at the Inn if you wish). It will bring you to the Great Rift. I suggest you buy many Baobab Fruits at the General Store before your departure.
Ghoss Forest East 1: There is a Save Point right in your face when you enter this lovely place. The trick to reach the exit in this first part of the forest is to follow the giant red swirling flowers. Aren't they trust-worthy enough? Now go and be careful when walking in the mud. The monsters' speed is not affected by the low viscosity of the brown fluid. They will probably take advantage of the situation and attack you from behind. Ghoss Forest East 2: It is the Return of the Orange Mushrooms! Hit them to make yourself a passage or to get treasures. They are your new friends because they are equivalent to the giant red flowers (they lead the way to the exit). The square-shaped trees along the road are Man-Eating Trees in disguise. Be careful. :P Soon after the second bunch of six square-shaped tricky trees, you can enter the Great Rift by walking on a giant root and turning right at the intersection (if it can be called an intersection).
Great Rift 1: You can not turn the camera as you wish here. You only face the side of your characters, so keep in mind that my directions in the next two sentences are given considering this fact. :P There is a Save Point to your left. Then, go right and climb down the ugly stairs. It is up to you to explore more to get the treasures. In fact, I suggest you to do so because it will be easier to find your way and see when/where you must push boulders. It is always obvious, though. No need to worry about it. :P Remember that the Fenny Birds are VERY annoying. They ALWAYS surprise you. That being said, have fun. :P Great Rift 2: This place is a bit funnier than the other one. There are bushes that seem to block your path, but it is only a false impression because you can walk through them. Go right as soon as you can and turn left near those grey rocks. Past this point, it is very easy to reach the deserted area, where you must go. Once there, go right to save and head for the Great Rift 3. Great Rift 3: A little farther from the entrance, a strong wind current is blocking the way. Tio explains it is a protective barrier around the Divine Sword generated by a machine located in Demon's Law. Head forward to go there. Desert Divers are as annoying as the Fenny Birds, if possible. Try surprising them whenever you can.
Turn right, then left to find a room where a Minotaur is apparently waiting for you. Minotaurs are polite like that in this game. Two Snow Leopards are fighting by the boss' side. They are easily taken care of with two Sky Dragon Slashes. Leck Guarder's strongest attack is Buster Horns. It cancels one of your members' attack and makes a lot of damage. A Save Point magically appears after the fight. All you have to do in the next room is to light up the three blue orbs on the middle door by hitting the circular red pillars. One of them is right in your face and the others are in the rooms to your left and right. Behind the newly opened door, two Naga Queens menacingly advance toward your group. No need to try killing the two of them at once; it is an easy fight. They drop the Star Egg after the battle. The core of the Demon's Law is in the Control Room. It is the commander of all the Automatas and is still attempting to follow Valmar's orders. You must destroy it if you want to finally stop the wall of wind around the Granasaber. The Clone's speed is higher than Tio's, but its moves are similar. As expected, Lotus Flower rarely fails to cancel your attacks. You will manage to get quite a few moves done nonetheless. The Clone can hit three times in a row with its weapon, but not hard. When the commander is dead, climb the stairs and hit on the globe... it will calm the wall of wind outside. Return there and cross to the other side (Great Rift 4). Simply watch the scene with Selene, Millenia and another of those disgusting monsters, Valmar's Body.
You are in Valmar's body. Consequently, everything is red, pink, viscous and squishy. A Save Point is in the originally called Point of Entry. I wonder what part of the body it is. :P In the Tentacle Passage, follow the "road", hit the eyeball standing on a stick and turn right. There are blue balls in transparent cubes. What you have to do is (push = one transparent cube): push, go right, push, go left, push and go right. Note that once you have jumped down the red "road" after the cubes, you can not come back. The Vein Passage looks really confusing. I will simply tell you which door to choose, whenever there is a choice to make, in my own ugly way (you have to figure out yourself when to push the buttons on the floor :P): left, right, left, right, left and left. Visiting the other passages allow you to pick up neat treasures or, uh, nothing. :P Before going into the Spherical Room, make sure that the right door (your back facing the exit) in the last room is opened. Go in the center of the sphere and push the thing in the middle. The arteries (or whatever it is) rotate and the Artery Passage appears where the Vein Passage was before. It is the same thing as the Vein one, but in red shades. Here is the path leading to the exit: right, left, left, right, left and right. You are back in the Tentacle Passage, but in a different part of the body. The "road" is linear. There are transparent cubes again: push, go left, push, go right, push and go left. After those, reaching the Core is a piece of cake. Not as appetizing as a cake, though. Pwahaha. :P In the next room, do as Millenia says and trash the 3-headed core. The Body has an attack called Suck In, which consists of regrouping everybody and cancelling their next hit with one of the tentacles. Be sure that your moves are at least at level 4 and aim for the Body. Spellbinding Eye works perfectly, so yay. :P Millenia helps you to escape after the battle when the whole structure is falling apart. You are now in complete possession of the Granasaber. It is huge, but the truth is that it is not a real sword. It is a spaceship. Ahah! Fortunately, Tio is a genius when it comes to advanced technology and serving tea. She knows how to control it and leads you to St. Heim to take it back to Zera. Elena is tired, even though she did nothing in Valmar's Body, and asks for a room to rest. All she manages to do is yelling at Millenia in a mirror and making her "disappear". Despite the destruction of Valmar's Body, the skies darken without a warning and Valmar's Moon blocks the sun. People in St. Heim are terrified and think the Day of Darkness has finally come. They try to seek refuge in the Cathedral as you land in the Pastures... |
Before heading for the Cathedral, stop at the Inn to save. Going to the General Store to look at the new items is also allowed. Some Cathedral Knights are cutting off people's heads on your way. You smartly decide to eliminate them. They are quite easy to beat since a single Sky Dragon Slash does the job. However, a simple attack from them cancels yours. At the Cathedral, Selene is standing on a large column and tells you crazy things. Guess what. She is possessed by... the Heart of Valmar! You must fight this other repugnant creature. Yay. I have no idea why it has eyes as sidekicks. Maybe veins or arteries, but eyes...? Anyway. This battle is very easy, like so many others. :P The Eyes cast status effects and elemental-based spells while the Heart generally performs normal hits. However, it might use Avici Slash, a powerful attack where countless arrows are thrown at everybody. It is painful. You should know by now that your moves are the best way to defeat the Heart. After the combat, Elena cries and runs inside the Cathedral. She is such a whining little brat. :P Follow her to the Audience Chamber (the Save Point in the Guestroom corridor is still there). Oro is lying on the ground and is mumbling about a Holy Room, located behind the audience altar. Enter it and hop on the high-tech elevator. The Pope invites all of you to his private dark room to show you stuff... He finally tells the truth about the Battle of Good and Evil as an entertaining cinematic sequence plays before your eyes. Oh, and he also says that he wants to resurrect Valmar. He abducts Elena and flees to the Moon. Your only mean of transportation to go there is the Granasaber, so return in the Pastures and get back on the flying sword.
Follow the path leading to Valmar's Moon 1 and jump down. As always, the road is pretty linear in there. To go to Valmar's Moon 2, you must "build" a bridge using weird bubbles generators. A few exploration, a FEW, is required to find those machines. In Valmar's Moon 2, the path is even more linear. Sometimes, "ligaments" are blocking the path, so cut them. There are red tiles on the floor in Valmar's Moon 3. Some of them obviously (very obviously) activate a mechanism that moves a pillar to get treasures or to cross a river. On the other side of the first river, go in the general left direction until you reach another river. Cross it and eventually, you will find a third Save Point. Close to it is the entrance to Valmar's Womb. Enter it. :P Elena and Zera are in the middle of the room, but a huge glass prevents you from going any further and from being heard. Zera wishes to call the Wings of Valmar and complete the resurrection of the Evil God. Meanwhile, fight the Egg Guardian that is trying to assassinate you. Pay no attention to the four Bits. Two Sky Dragon Slashes kill them and they can be revived by their master. If the Egg Guardian performs its Wailing Sickle attack, heal your party immediately (that is kinda obvious, I know :P). This battle is not particularly difficult, but it can be long. Millenia, summoned by Zera, helps you to escape with Elena after the conflict with the Egg Guardian. Monsters are everywhere on the Moon and a few pre-programmed battles ensue. The foes are Valmar Youngs and Valmar Flies. Revive Elena before fighting. :P Nightmare Ball is effective against those enemies most of the time. As I said, monsters are plentiful. Consequently, Mareg decides to stay there to fight them while you are escaping on the Granasaber.
The landing should have theoretically killed everybody, but it seems that Tio teleported you out of the Granasaber just in time. Tio can learn the move Whisper to Stars now. Look around for the Missanga, a very interesting valuable, then go to Cyrum. The city is infested by demons. Before heading for the Castle to help Roan, recover at the Inn and stock up on Baobab Fruits and Magical Medicines at the General Store. Roan invites you inside the Castle to talk about the most recent events. He wisely decides to join your quest to stop the complete rebirth of Valmar. On your way to the exit of the town, some Valmar Youngs need to be eradicated. You can return to Cyrum Kingdom South now or enter Raul Hills - Special Stage. I suggest going to the Secret Stage since you can find cool valuables there. Back in Cyrum Kingdom South, nobody really knows what to do, except fleeing to prevent the incomplete Valmar from obtaining the Horns inside of you. Roan has the sudden idea that you might get some tips on how to defeat Valmar by entering the Royal Mausoleum, the place where his ancestors, the People of Darkness, have been buried. Tio opens the door for you. A huge gate appears outside the Mausoleum. It leads to the Birthplace of the Gods.
The Birthplace of the Gods can be extremely confusing. I tried to keep my directions as simple as possible, using a minimum of vocabulary, but it will still look complicated to you. :P After some exploration, you will get used to this place, though. At the end of the first room, there is a stone on which a message is carved. It says that you must activate three colored orbs to find your way through that facility. All the doors in the Birthplace of the Gods are blue, yellow or red. They open or close when the matching colored orbs are turned on. From the Save Point, enter the left door and turn right to the room with a pink floor. Continue until you find the blue orb and activate it. This action lighted a blue light above a certain door that I will call the elevator from now on. Use the door behind the blue orb. You are back in the room with the Save Point. Turn left and continue straight to reach the elevator. Enter it. :P It brings you to Birthplace of the Gods 2. Go straight to find another pink room. There is a Save Point again. Climb down the stairs to Birthplace of the Gods 3. In the next room, go up the stairs, turn left and prepare yourself for a battle against two Dual Fists (easy easy). Then, continue and cross the bridge to turn the yellow orb on. Re-cross the same bridge and enter the yellow door. Go back to Birthplace of the Gods 2 and get ready for another easy fight against foes called Guardians. The red orb is a few steps away from there. Activate it and return to Birthplace of the Gods 3 by the stairs near the Save Point. Turn the yellow orb off, go back to Birthplace of the Gods 2 and enter the elevator. Go straight to finally reach the Control Room (and a last Save Point). If you desire to obtain the Book of Sages and the Dragon Egg, you must *takes a big breath*: go back to Birthplace of the Gods 2, use the stairs to go to Birthplace of the Gods 3, activate the yellow orb, return to Birthplace of the Gods 2, enter the elevator to go to Birthplace of the Gods 1 and turn the blue orb off. The large chest containing the coveted items is in the room left to the orb. ...In the Control Room, Elmo, the caretaker of this building, explains all there is to know about Valmar, Granas and the Seals of Lord Granas. Your plan to deafeat Valmar is to plunge into his world and try to corrupt him by refusing to become an Evil God while still having the Horns inside of you (or a similar concept hard to describe :P). Say "goodbye" to everybody and walk on the Seal to let yourself fall into "Valmar's universe". Skye is so sweet: he accompanies you even if he knows you might kill him if something goes wrong.
Once on the ground, follow the road and answer "no" at each question asked in front of the green flames. If you answer "yes", you are asked the same question again and forced to say "no". At the end of the road, despite your good will, failure seems to be the only option. You are slowly submerged into a red liquid to be transformed into a monster... In the meantime, Elena, Roan and Tio are helping the townspeople in Cyrum. Elena uses the power of her voice to fill everybody's hearts with hope. *Insert a scene where you are trying to get rid of Valmar's curse on your beautiful body and succeeds with the help of Love and Hope here* Back in the real world, you are now ready to fight the New Valmar with your designed-for-humans Granasaber. You can talk to the people around the Royal Mausoleum (a few known figures are there) and buy things from a local guy. The lighted crest on top of the Mausoleum sends you into New Valmar.
New Valmar 1: Who could have imagined that a five-headed monster's interior would be green and orange? :P Go left after the Save Point and trigger the grey orb at the end of the corridor. It activates some kind of valmarish elevator. You must use the same kind of technology a few other times in New Valmar 1. You will eventually reach a room with six green orbs on the floor. Those open and close one after another. Hitting an opened orb activates a mechanism that unlocks a door next to it. Starting to count from the orb in front of the entrance, the third on your left is the correct one. You are not even halfway Valmar and you must already fight a Valmar Magna and two Valmar Moths. The Moths move annoyingly fast, but one Sky Dragon Slash kills them. Then, enter New Valmar 2. New Valmar 2: After the Save Point in the large green and orange room, go right and enter the door. Starting to count from the orb in front of the entrance, the third on your left is the one you must switch on. Head for the newly opened passage and cross the room with the blue eggs. Hit on the grey orb on your right at the end of the road. It will lower or higher certain orange plates in the present room. Following the new path takes you to another orb-switch that opens the way to New Valmar 3 and makes it easier for you to save on the nearest Point. New Valmar 3: This part is fairly repetitive as you will easily notice by my choice of words. :P Cut the orange stuff to pass, try to avoid the flapping leaves and enter the tube in the pink room. Turn right at the first intersection, then right again as soon as humanly possible. Continue straight until you find a room with a purple tube. In the latter, turn right at the first intersection, then left at the end of the passage. Go into another pink tube and turn left. Next to the entrance of the last purple tube, there is a third Save Point. In the next room, two Valmar Magnas falsely believe they can stop you from saving the world. Beat them up and enter the Core. Valmar's Core: Walk on the other side of the hill of red spaghetti and watch everybody giving their speech of Love, Friendship and Hope to Zera. The first boss to fight is the Core. This thing is tough and the battle can be extremely LONG. My advice is: destroy the Right Head first (it casts Alhealer), then Valmar's Core. Whee. Told you I was a good strategist. :P Having three characters equipped with Alhealer would be a great idea because you will need that. A lot. The Middle Head has an attack called Destruction Light that hits some of your members whereas the Left Head only casts elemental offensive spells. If you have accessories that protect you against move blocks, use them. Valmar's Core's Dead Claw has this annoying blocking characteristic. The strongest attack of the Core is Day of Judgment, but you will not even get close to death if you regularly heal everyone. After this fight, Millenia comes back from the dead to take her revenge... but no! It is not her; it is a clone. As if we could not guess. She is easy to kill, because she is slow and does nothing special. The true Millenia finally returns as her own person, apart from Elena's body and soul. Woohoo. Zera is displeased by the situation and everything starts to crumble, throwing Roan and Tio far away. It is up to Elena, Millenia and yourself to save the world. Step on the blue circle on the ground to enter the Room of Chaos.
Classic scenario: you must fight the Tongue, the Eye and the Heart of Valmar again. How original. :P The only differences are that they have more HP and some new spells/attacks. Nightmare Ball from Elena and especially Spellbinding Eye from Millenia work pretty well against them. That is all you need to know. :P Use the same "strategy" for the final boss (except that Nightmare Ball is ineffective). He is disappointingly easy to kill for a God. If all your moves are not at level 5, perhaps you will not agree with that statement. After each fight, you can return to the Save Point at the entrance.
Well, there is nothing to say about the ending. A part of it takes place right after the death of Zera and another, one year later. You have the CHANCE to walk around the world as Roan. He wants to go on a hunt to find his old friends. Talk to everybody in the towns you visit to learn more about what Tio, Millenia, Elena and yourself, Ryudo, have become. That is all. The End. |