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Destiny of an Emperor 2

(as "Tenchi o Kurau II: Shokatsu Koumei Den")

เดสทินี ออฟ แอน เอมเพอเรอร์ 2

Destiny of an Emperor 2 - Chapter V: Reunification of Jingzhou, Defeating Cao Cao and the Local Lords

Destiny of an Emperor 2

Chapter V: Reunification of Jingzhou, Defeating Cao Cao and the Local Lords
(Begins after the victory at Red Cliffs, and ends with the reunification of Jingzhou.)

Xiakou Castle (4th Visit)


Inn (12 Gold Each)
Training Room (4000 gold)
Blacksmith (Copper Sword/Spear/Sabre/Axe; Copper Shield/Armor)
Merchant (Copper Remedy, Smoke Bomb, Revive)

  1. Liu Bei has charged you with driving Cao Cao out of Jingzhou. You have learned that Cao Cao has forces in both Xing Yang and Jingzhou castle.
  2. With Lu Su absent from your party, you will have to re-adjust your formation and you may also have to move around your equipment. Re-assign Zhuge Liang as your strategist. Everyone else in your party will serve as your active party.
  3. Speak with the villagers. You learn that Cao Ren, the general commanding this invasion into Jingzhou, has returned to his headquarters at Zuchang. You hear that his soldiers are pillaging the countryside, and that they are trying to ally with commanders in southern Jingzhou. Also, for a price, you learn that Chen Jiao is guarding Xing Yang. Chen Jiao is a fairly skilled strategist, though this information doesn’t help too much.
  4. When prepared, save your game, and travel to Xin Ye Castle. Officers you will face in castles, and in random encounters, while in this region, are much more powerful than you are used to. If you face them in random encounters, and are on your way to a castle battle, it is best to retreat. Expect their blows to defeat anywhere from 300 to 800 soldiers a hit.

Xin Ye Castle (8th Visit)


Inn (10 Gold Each)
Headquarters (Outside)

  1. It looks like the gardeners have completed some of their work, having created a neat row of trees and a bridge, but not much else has been accomplished in Xin Ye Castle.
  2. A strategist dressed in white is walking around near the entrance. Speak with him, and you will learn that he is Yi Ji, the advisor that was helping you out earlier while dealing with the Cai brothers. He will ask to join you. He has a great amount of soldiers, a good intelligence, and poor strength. He will replace Lu Su’s slot in your party, and as such will return with Lu Su’s equipment. If you want a third intelligent officer in your party, you should use him. Otherwise, stick with Zhou Cang.
  3. There’s nothing left to do here. Save your game, and head toward Jingzhou Castle to face Cao Cao’s army.

Jingzhou Castle (6th Visit)


Inn (10 Gold Each)
Training Room (1500 Gold)
Blacksmith (Copper Sword, Spear, Sabre, Armor, Helm. Scale Shield)
Merchant (Herbal, Smoke, Revive)

  1. True to what the villager said, Chen Jiao waits for your arrival.
  2. Battle Chen Jiao at Jingzhou Castle (Easy)
    • Chen Jiao
    • Outlaw Army x4
    • (~1770 Exp, ~2180 Gold, Drops: ???)
      Chen Jiao has a very large amount of soldiers, is physically weak, has good equipment (as will the other Wei officers you are going to face), and a high intelligence. You can cast Ce Jian in the early rounds to increase your tactical defense. You can usually win this battle easily by going all-out. If you don’t wish to, simply defeat him with regular attacks healing as needed.
  3. Speak with the villagers. You learn that Cao Ren is now in Nanjun. Another villager suggests you liberate castles by starting with Xingyang, followed by Yiling, and ending with Nanjun. Someone suggests you use the ‘Tally Order’ to enter Xingyang and Yiling castles. Another villager tells you Chen Jiao was issuing orders in the palace. Perhaps we should search the palace?
  4. Search under the throne in the palace to obtain the ‘Tally’ order. This will be very helpful at Xingyang and Yiling castles.

Xing Yang Castle (2nd Visit)


Inn (20 Gold Each)
Blacksmith (Iron Sword/Spear/Sabre/Axe/Armor, Copper Shield)
Merchant (Copper Remedy, Smoke Bomb, Revive, Tent)

  1. If you have the Tally, obtained by searching below the throne in Jingzhou Castle, you will enter the castle and Xiahou Dun, quite surprised, will attack you inside. If you do not have the tally, you will battle Xiahou Dun upon arrival, and you will find his defeat to be a much more difficult task.
  2. Battle Xiahou Dun at Xing Yang Castle (Moderate)
    • Xiahou Dun
    • Outlaw Army x4
    • (~2270 Exp, ~2300 Gold, Drops: ???)
      If you have the Tally, focus physical attacks on Xiahou Dun while using Yi Xin with your smarter officers to prevent him from retaliating in any meaningful way. If you don’t have the Tally, your attacks against Xiahou Dun will be near-useless, and you will have to use tactics instead. In this case, Yan Dun may be useful to help reduce the chances of Xiahou Dun striking your officers.
  3. A few villagers have populated Xing Yang. One advises you to hurry (though you can move along at your own pace), and the other tells you to travel southwest until you find a boat. After using the boat, you can travel south to Yiling.
  4. Rest at the inn, save, and travel southwest to the boat. After you sail, travel south to reach Yiling castle.

Yiling Castle


Inn (25 Gold Each)
Blacksmith (Iron Sword/Spear/Sabre/Axe/Armor, Copper Shield)
Merchant (Copper Remedy, Smoke Bomb, Revive)

  1. Again, with the Tally you can enter the castle without any great difficulty. Otherwise, you will face battle as usual at the gate.
  2. Battle Cao Hong at Yiling Castle (Moderate)
    • Cao Hong
    • Niu Jin
    • Outlaw Army (x3)
    • (~2370 Exp, ~2505 Gold, Drops: Leather Armor)
      Niu Jin is a strong heavy-hitting officer, and you want to avoid taking too many blows from him. Fortunately he has a low-level intelligence for you to take advantage of. Cao Hong is average at best, and can be kept at bay with Yi Xin until you have finished dealing with Niu Jin. Begin by casting Yi Xin on both of them using two intelligent officers. In subsequent rounds, re-cast the tactic if it fails or wears off. Use physical attacks, and Yan Re when you have an intelligent officer free, to defeat Niu Jin. After he falls, focus your attention on Cao Hong.
        If you don’t have the Tally, use Yi Xin on Niu Jin, taking hits from Cao Hong (to preserve your tactic points), and have your intelligent officers cast Yan Re to defeat him as quickly as possible. When only Cao Hong remains, use Yan Re with your most intelligent officers, keeping some TP free for Tong Xian, and you should come out okay in the end.
  3. After you enter Yiling Castle, speak with the villagers. They warn you that Cao Ren in Nanjun will be dangerous, and another villager also suggests that Lu Bu, who is apparently the greatest warrior in all the land, also waits in that region.
  4. When prepared, rest, save your game, and travel east toward Nanjun. The path you must take will twist ever so slightly south. Keep below the poison swamp and mountain until the valley turns northward. There, you will find Nanjun Castle.

Nanjun Castle


Billeting Office
Inn (25 Gold Each)
Merchant (Copper Remedy, Smoke Bomb, Revive, Steed)

  1. Cao Ren will attack you upon your arrival.
  2. Battle Cao Ren at the Gate (Moderate)
    • Cao Ren
    • Cao Ang
    • Outlaw Army (x3)
    • (No Exp, No Gold)
      Cao Ren is strong and even has a good intelligence. Cao Ang is like an average version of Cao Ren. Have your smartest officer cast Yi Xin on Cao Ren, and your next smartest officer cast Yi Xin on Cao Ang. If you have another intelligent officer, have them also cast Yi Xin on Cao Ren. Use physical attacks and fire tactics cast by your smartest officers to defeat Cao Ren, then focus the same strategy on Cao Ang.
  3. After you defeat Cao Ren, he will retreat north to ??? Castle, but there he will find Lu Bu, who took the castle while he was away, waiting. Cao Ren attacks Lu Bu, but is slaughtered, and is forced to retreat.
  4. Enter Nanjun Castle.
  5. Speak with the villagers. Lu Bu is described as invincible and
  6. unpredictable. The populace fears him. A woman asks you to save her husband at Han Castle. Another villager tells you that you will need a guide for the eastern cave, and goes on to suggest that your path will be opened after the defeat of Lu Bu. Finally, another villager tells you that you will never defeat him.
  7. Search the southwest corner of the city for the Steel Armor.
  8. This city finally introduces the Billeting Office, a place where you can store officers, or bring them back into your party. If you used the Zheng Letter back in Chaisang castle, and followed our instructions, you now have access to Zhou Yu, Lu Meng, and Zhang Zhao. None of them gain soldiers with new levels, but their stats are more than enough to make them useful for this region of the game. If you do add any of them, note that this strategy guide does not assume their presence.
  9. Adjust your party as you see fit. Now that you have access to the billeting, you can even place Zhuge Liang in your party while having him serve simultaneously as your strategist, if you like. Suggested party: Guan Ping, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, Guan Yu, Zhuge Liang (strategist). If you bring Zhuge Liang into battle, be certain to provide him with only your finest armor, as losing your tactician in battle really sucks.
  10. When prepared, save your game, and travel north to Han Castle.

Han Castle


City Inaccessible

  1. Battle Lu Bu at the Gate (Storyline)
    • Lu Bu
    • Li Jue
    • Guo Si
    • Zhang Ji
    • Li Su
    • (No Exp, No Gold)
      Study your enemy. It is clear that you are in for a battle that would be very hard indeed, and that victory here would require taking minimal hits from the 120 Att/255 Str/3800 Sld Lu Bu. It is no matter, though, as you can’t win this battle. You won’t be able to win, however, as after the first round your commander will suggest your retreat. On the first round, focus on staying alive, and try to cast Yi Xin on Lu Bu just to slow him down. On the second round, try to retreat.
  2. After battle Zhuge Liang will comment that Lu Bu must have a weakness, and will suggest a retreat back to Nanjun to formulate a plan.

Nanjun Castle (2nd Visit)


  1. In the northeast area of Nanjun city, someone blocks entrance to a home. They will step aside for you now, saying that the master wishes to speak with you. Enter, and you will meet Pang Tong again! Knowing of your trouble with Lu Bu, he will offer you a Brocade Sack (Brocade) to use in battle against him. Zhuge Liang asks Pang Tong to join your cause, but Pang Tong declines his request, stating that now is not yet the time.
  2. Make sure an active party member is holding the Brocade.
  3. Rest, revive any dead officers, and return to Han Castle.

Han Castle (2nd Visit)


Billeting Office
Inn (25 Gold Each)
Training Room (15000 Gold)
Merchant (Copper Remedy, Smoke Bomb, Revive, Power Pill)
Blacksmith (Iron Spear/Sabre/Axe, Iron Armor/Helm/Shield)

  1. Battle Lu Bu at the Gate (Storyline)
    • Lu Bu
    • Li Jue
    • Guo Si
    • Zhang Ji
    • Li Su
    • (No Exp, No Gold)
      On the first round, use the Brocade in battle. Whoever uses it will automatically go first. Guan Yu will feign retreat, and Lu Bu will break away from Han Castle to chase him. By the time Lu Bu catches Guan Yu, the rest of your troops will have already occupied the castle, and Guan Yu has a fine chance to laugh at him. Lu Bu retreats, and returns to Han Castle.
  2. At Han Castle, Zhuge Liang mocks him again, informing him that he has been defeated. Outraged, Lu Bu declares that Han Castle will be reduced to rubble, and attacks.
  3. Battle Lu Bu in defense of the Castle (Hard)
    • Lu Bu
    • Li Jue
    • Guo Si
    • Zhang Ji
    • Li Su
    • (No Exp, No Gold, Drops: N/A)
      In the first round, have your smartest officer cast Yi Xin on Lu Bu. Your other smart officers should use Yan Re on him, and everyone else should press him with regular attacks. Guan Yu arrives on the second round. Continue this until Lu Bu has been defeated, which shouldn’t take long. Li Jue, Guo Si, and Li Su are all fairly weak, and will easily fall in the same manner Lu Bu did. Use physical attacks to defeat Zhang Ji while using tactics to defeat the others. If using Zhuge Liang, he can cast Ye Huo on Zhang Ji. Keep some TP set aside to heal if officers get close to death. If using Zhuge Liang, heal him whenever he becomes even remotely threatened.
  4. After his defeat, Lu Bu will retreat.
  5. Enter Han Castle.
  6. Rest at the inn and save your game.
  7. Buy Iron Helms for everyone in your party that doesn’t currently have one (you probably have one from Xing Yang Castle). If you have enough money to throw around, consider buying Iron Shields for everyone as well, but the AC increase you will receive from them, relative to your previous gear, isn’t as great.
  8. At the merchant, purchase a set of Power Pills for every warrior in your active party. These wonderful gems, when used, produce a regular attack which is guaranteed to be a critical hit. They are one of the most useful items in Destiny of an Emperor.
  9. Sell your excess gear, and deposit the Brocade in item storage.
  10. Speak with the villagers. You learn that southern Jingzhou consists of four cities, Changsha, Guiyang, Lingling, and Wuling. You meet the husband of the sad woman in Nanjun. A villager suggests you seek Ma Liang and Ma Su for instruction relative to the Jingzhou region. Someone suggests that Yi Ji might know something, and that he is in Xin Ye castle (actually, he is in your billeting, or in your party, and you can’t really talk to him). He also tells you that Ma Liang is difficult to find. A woman tells you that Ma Liang lives beyond the eastern cave.
  11. Save your game. When ready, travel east to find the cave.

Eastern Cave


  1. This cave isn’t too difficult to traverse. Begin by traveling east past the first two southern paths. Take the third southern path down and around to find a chest containing a Steel Armor.
  2. Follow the eastern path from here as it curves around, and before long you will pick up an Iron Shield. Backtrack and take the path just above where you found the Steel Armor, and you will find a Copper Remedy.
  3. Continue west, and take the first northern path you find. After following it for a short distance you should find two treasures containing ~230 Gold and ~100 Gold.
  4. A short distance down the path, to the east, you find another treasure chest containing an Iron Sword.
  5. Continue east and take the second southern path to pick up an Iron Helmet. Take the first southern path, disregarding the western route along the way, to exit the cave.
  6. After you exit the cave, you will see a home to the east.

Ma Liang’s Home


  1. Enter. The servants will recognize Yi Ji, and will be happy to allow you inside. If you do not have Yi Ji in your party at this point, they will not let you pass.
  2. Speak with Ma Liang (in white). He will suggest that you begin your quest of reunifying Jingzhou by retaking Lingling Castle, followed by Guiyang and Wuling. Finally, Changsha.
  3. Speak with Ma Su. Ma Su is happy to see you, and has hope for the future of Jingzhou now that you have arrived. He tells you that he will join you with his older brother when Jingzhou has been settled.
  4. Continue southeast to reach Lingling’s gate.

Lingling Castle


Inn (30 Gold Each)
Merchant (Copper Remedy, Smoke Bomb, Revive)

  1. Battle Xingdao Rong at the Gate (Easy)
    • Xingdao Rong
    • Liu Yan
    • Outlaw Army x3
    • (~1260 Exp, ~1370 Gold, Drops: Copper Spear, *Power Pill [Reported])
      Xingdao Rong is strong, but not intelligent. Liu Yan, for the most part, isn’t a serious threat, but he does have the powerful Yan Re tactic. Begin by defeating Xingdao Rong using Yi Xin or a series of hits with Yan Re. Try to avoid relying too much on tactics, as you will have to fight your way through a tougher battle, without rest, after this if you don’t want to travel back through the cave. Take Liu Yan down with physical attacks while using Yi Ji (or other officers) to heal your party up with Tong Xian.
  2. After your victory, if your party is still strong, with plenty of TP, you can continue on to the castle. If you are not prepared for a tougher battle, use a Tent or travel back to Han Castle to rest and save your game.
  3. Battle Liu Du at the Castle (Moderate)
    • Liu Du
    • Liu Yan
    • Xingdao Rong
    • (~3180 Exp, ~2730 Gold, Drops: Copper Remedy)
      This battle is similar to the last, but now Liu Du has been thrown into the mix. Defeat Xingdao Rong first using Ye Huo or, if you are short on TPs, with Yi Xin and physical attacks. It may be worthwhile to cast and loosely maintain Yi Xin on Liu Yan with your most intelligent officer. With Xingdao Rong out of the way, focus your attacks, and Ye Huo if you have enough spare TP, on Liu Yan until he too has fallen. Victory should be close at hand.
  4. Speak with the villagers. You learn that Guiyang, your next target is south from Lingling. Liu Bei is definitely welcome here.
  5. Rest at the inn, save, then travel west until you pass the mountain. After that, continue south toward Guiyang Castle. Along the way, you will come across a village.

Guiyang Village


  1. Enter and speak with the villagers. You hear that Guiyang is commanded by Zhao Fan. Another person tells you that Guiyang castle is held by the officers Chen Shu and Bao Long.
  2. Search the central southwestern area of the bank alongside the river in the middle of the village to find a Tactic Elixir.
  3. When prepared, continue southeast to Guiyang Castle.

Guiyang Castle


Billeting Office
Inn (30 Gold Each)
Merchant (Copper Remedy, Smoke Bomb, Revive)

  1. Outside Guanyang Castle, Bao Long and Chen Shu wait for you. When you speak to them, they will attack your party.
  2. Battle Bao Long outside Guiyang Castle (Easy)
    • Bao Long
    • Chen Shu
    • Outlaw Army x3
    • (~1861 Exp, ~2085 Gold, Drops: Copper Remedy)
      Neither Bao Long nor Chen Shu are particularly dangerous, but Chen Shu’s higher strength and low intelligence makes him an ideal first target. Focus physical attacks and a few castings of Ye Huo on him while maintaining Yi Xin on Bao Long, continuing until Chen Shu has been defeated. Cast a final Yi Xin on Bao Long for good measure, then go all-out.
  3. After your victory, Bao Long and Chen Shu will retreat into the castle, and your party will follow. Inside, Zhao Fan, lord of the castle, will greet you, and apologize for what has happened. He assures you that it was not his intention to resist Liu Bei. He invites Zhuge Liang alone to be entertained in the palace.
      Zhuge Liang asks if he is prepared to hand over the city, but Zhao Fan doesn’t respond with a certain answer. Zhang Fei suggests that this must be a trap. Zhuge Liang agrees that it is possible, and asks Zhang Fei to go around the palace while he goes in to see if negotiations are possible.
      After you enter, Zhao Fan laughs, and springs his trap on Zhuge Liang. Bao Long and Chen Shu approach, and Zhao Fan asks if Zhuge Liang will surrender. Before Zhuge Liang can respond, Lu Bu arrives and tells Zhuge Liang that he has come to help.
  4. Battle Zhao Fan in Guiyang Palace (Very Easy)
    • Zhao Fan
    • Bao Long
    • Chen Shu
    • (No Exp, No Gold)
      Lu Bu’s attacks will defeat the enemy officers in one blow. Their attacks, on the other hand, will always miss. You can simply go all-out to finish the battle quickly.
  5. After the battle, your other officers arrive. Zhang Fei immediately confronts Lu Bu, not believing that he could possibly be on their side. Lu Bu, seeming to understand Zhang Fei’s concerns, explains that after his defeat he realized the error of his ways, and that this is the reason why he has come to assist Zhuge Liang. Zhang Fei begins to complain more, but Zhuge Liang cuts him short, confirming that Lu Bu did indeed assist them. Lu Bu then proceeds to suggest that he defend your party’s rear guard, staying in Guiyang, while Zhuge Liang and his officers proceed forward to unify Jingzhou. Though Zhuge Liang is a little unsure of Lu Bu, he agrees.
      (Background: Lu Bu was dead long before Liu Bei’s quest to unify Jingzhou. In fact, he died before Yuan Shao’s defeat at the hands of Cao Cao and the Battle of Red Cliffs. Zhao Fan, on the other hand, in the novel, welcomed Zhao Yun with open arms, but Zhao Yun turned against him after Zhao Fan suggested Zhao Yun marry his daughter, upset over the fact they share a family name.)
  6. Speak with the villagers. Most are very worried about Lu Bu, and Zhuge Liang’s decision to trust him. You also learn that Wuling, the next city to liberate, is west from Guiyang.
  7. Search the northwestern corner of the city for an Iron Helmet.
  8. If you have a lot of clutter, sell it at the item shop.
  9. Guiyang has another Billeting Office. There, it is advised that Yi Ji be removed from your party, and your party be reduced to five members so Zhuge Liang can participate in battle. With Zhuge Liang in battle, you can easily cast any tactics you wish. If you do this, though, be sure to give Zhuge Liang the best armor you can manage, including a Steel Armor.
  10. Save your game, and when prepared, travel west to a village.

Wuling Village


  1. Speak with the villagers. You learn that Wuling Castle is governed by Jin Xuan, who seems to have raised the bridge that makes it possible to access the city. You also learn that Gong Zhi, an officer of Wuling, is not sure if he should be supporting Liu Bei or Cao Cao. It is suggested that you might be able to convince him of Liu Bei’s cause.
  2. To speak with Gong Zhi, travel southwest from Wuling Village until you reach the end of the cape (a trail takes you most of the way, then fades into forest). Enter the cape.

Wuling Cape


  1. Upon entry, follow paths leading to the west, and before long you should find Gong Zhi, looking out over the water. Speak with him.
  2. Gong Zhi, after confirming that you are from Liu Bei’s army, explains that his fear is of Liu Bei’s own ambitions resulting in the destruction of the Han Dynasty. He tells you that Jin Xuan will oppose you no matter what he says, but suggests you head to Wuling Castle to do battle with him. He also explains that he will await your arrival from inside.
  3. Walk southeast from where you met Gong Zhi to the corner at the end of the path. Search to find a Steel Sheild. If you are using Zhuge Liang in your active party, give it to him.
  4. Travel through the trees east from where you met Gong Zhi, then northeast along the water until you reach the end of a small path (approximately 25 steps) with water to the north, and forest to the south and east. Search there for a Tactic Elixir.
  5. Exit the cape, and travel northeast to Wuling Castle.

Wuling Castle


Billeting Office
Inn (30 Gold Each)
Merchant (Copper Remedy, Smoke Bomb, Revive, Power Pill)
Blacksmith (Thunder Sword, Steel Spear/Saber, Steel Armor, Iron Helm)

  1. Enter the castle, and you will find yourself outside the city, south of the moat. A short distance to the north, Jin Xuan waits for you. Pass him, and walk to the northwest corner, by the southeast corner of the moat. There, search between three trees to find a Steel Spear for Zhang Fei or Zhao Yun. When prepared, talk to Jin Xuan to face him in battle.
  2. Battle Jin Xuan outside Wuling City (Very Easy)
    • Jin Xuan
    • Outlaw Army x4
    • (No Exp, No Gold)
      Jin Xuan isn’t a serious threat. Defeat him with physical attacks and a few castings of Yan Re.
  3. After his defeat, Jin Xuan will retreat, and run back to Wuling Castle. He demands that the bridge be lowered, but Gong Zhi appears and says he has decided that he is unfit to rule. Jin Xuan complains, but Gong Zhi draws his bow, and strikes him down with an arrow. Enter the city. Gong Zhi tells you that Wuling will not resist.
  4. The blacksmith has some fun new gear for your party. Upgrade your officers’ gear with new Thunder Swords, Steel Spears, and Steel Sabers. Also, buy Steel Armor for everyone still using Iron. Note that you will find a Thunder Sword fairly soon.
  5. Restock on Power Pills if your supply has fallen low. They may make all the difference in the upcoming battle.
  6. Speak with the villagers. You learn that Changsha Castle, your next target, can be found to the west. Everyone seems quite happy with Liu Bei, and with Gong Zhi as their governor.
  7. Exit the city, and travel west until you find a village.

Changsha Village


Inn (30 Gold Each)

  1. Speak with the villagers. You learn that Changsha Castle is guarded by Huang Zhong, a warrior of legendary power, 60 years of age, and hair white as snow. Changsha is also defended by Wei Yan, another man who is supposed to be an excellent warrior. Another villager says Changsha’s troops are rather disorganized, and suggests that you strike quickly.
  2. Travel northwest to Changsha Castle.

Changsha Castle


Billeting Office
Inn (30 Gold Each)
Merchant (Copper Remedy, Smoke Bomb, Revive, Steed)
Blacksmith (Steel Spear/Axe/Bow, Steel Armor)

  1. Huang Zhong waits for you outside Changsha. Guan Yu challenges him to a one-on-one duel, and Huang Zhong gladly accepts.
  2. Battle Huang Zhong outside Changsha Castle (Storyline)
    • Huang Zhong
    • (No Exp, No Gold)
      Attacking is the only command available to you. It doesn’t matter, though, as you will only fight two rounds before the battle ends. Huang Zhong compliments Guan Yu’s power, and says he looks forward to their next battle. The battle ends, and you will be outside Changsha castle again.
  3. Don’t attack the castle just yet. You will probably find this battle to be the most difficult you have faced so far in the game. Return to Wuling Castle, rest, make sure your equipment has been updated, and save your game. Again, Power Pills can really help.
  4. When ready, return to Changsha Castle. Han Xuan explains that Huang Zhong spared your lives, but that he won’t be as gracious.
  5. Battle Han Xuan at the Castle (Very Hard)
    • Han Xuan
    • Huang Zhong
    • Wei Yan
    • Han Hao
    • Yan Ling
    • (5539 Exp, 5091 Gold, Drops: Copper Spear)
      This will look like another one of those hard storyline battles. It isn’t. Huang Zhong is the greatest threat here, but Wei Yan is also very dangerous. Yan Ling is yet another powerful officer. Begin the battle by focusing all of your physical attacks on Huang Zhong (using Power Pills if you have them), while you attempt to cast Yi Xin on both Wei Yan and Yan Ling. Maintain Yi Xin on both of those officers, continuing to attack Huang Zhong with each opportunity you have. If Zhuge Liang has any free turns, cast Yan Re on Wei Yan.
        After Huang Zhong is defeated, start to focus your attacks on Wei Yan, while still maintaining Yi Xin. Have your talented strategists cast Yan Re on him to speed his defeat. You can focus the same attention on Yan Ling after Wei Yan is down.
        Keep enough TP available to heal your party when you receive heavy hits, and use any other free TP to speed Han Xuan and Han Hao’s defeats with additional castings of Yan Re.
  6. After entering the city, you will find Wei Yan waiting for you. Speak with him, and he will ask to join Liu Bei. Accept his services—he is a wonderful officer.
  7. At the blacksmith, buy a Steel Axe for Wei Yan. You can also buy a Steel Bow for Huang Zhong, if you wish, but for the time being we’re going to suggest holding out on adding him to your party. If you are following our party suggestions, you can also save yourself a bit of money here.
  8. It is advised that you now place Guan Ping in your billeting to make room for Wei Yan, while still using Zhuge Liang. My party is now Zhang Fei, Wei Yan, Zhao Yun, Guan Yu, and Zhuge Liang, who serves as my strategist.
  9. Speak with the villagers. They tell you that Huang Zhong has been brooding in his home, depressed over his defeat. People encourage you to meet him, and encourage him to join your party. You are also advised to speak with Ma Liang after finally unifying Jingzhou.
  10. In the southeast home, you will find Huang Zhong waiting alone. Zhuge Liang tries as hard as he can to convince Huang Zhong to join, and finally Huang Zhong begins to agree. He explains that first he must arrange for his lord’s funeral, and that he would like to bury him with a Youyuu Bow, a wonderful weapon which his lord once owned.
  11. Speak with the villager in the northwest home. He will explain that he believes there is a Youyuu Bow in the Western Dungeon.
  12. To help Huang Zhong, travel west, beyond the river, until you reach the Western Dungeon.

Western Dungeon


  1. From the entrance, follow the southern path to some stairs. On the new floor, take the northeast path to reach two chests, the leftmost containing a Thunder Sword, and the rightmost containing a Copper Remedy. The northwest path yields a chest containing ~1000 Gold.
  2. Return to the entrance and travel west this time. You will pass through a larger room, but the path is consistent. Next, the path will split four separate ways. Travel south to pick up a chest containing ~600 Gold. Take the southwest path, which twists around to the east, for a Copper Remedy. The northwest path takes you to a Copper Bow. Finally, the northern path will take you to stairs leading to the lower level.
  3. The stairs take you to a large room. The eastern path twists around to an Iron Helmet. The southern path twists around to the northeast, alongside the underground river, to some stairs back up to the top level. There, you will obtain the legendary Youyuu Bow!
  4. With the bow in hand, return to Changsha Castle.

Changsha Castle (2nd Visit)


Billeting Office
Inn (30 Gold Each)
Merchant (Copper Remedy, Smoke Bomb, Revive, Steed)
Blacksmith (Steel Spear/Axe/Bow, Steel Armor)

  1. Meet with Huang Zhong to give him the Youyuu Bow. He will hold Han Xian’s last rites, and afterward will join your party! At this point, all things considered, the three least valuable members of your party are Huang Zhong, Wei Yan, and Zhang Fei. You cannot remove Zhang Fei, so you must decide between Huang Zhong and Wei Yan, and that’s a difficult choice. For now, we will suggest sticking with Wei Yan. Later, Huang Zhong’s higher intelligence will make a much greater difference, but not just yet.
  2. Adjust your party’s equipment as necessary, and reduce your party back down to five members so Zhuge Liang can participate.
  3. Rest and save your game. Start traveling east toward Lingling. You need to meet with Ma Liang now, and his home is just beyond that castle.

Ma Liang’s Home (2nd Visit)


  1. When you arrive at Ma Liang’s home, you will be warmly welcomed. Before you can speak with them, however, a messenger arrives to tell you that Lu Bu has betrayed, and has taken over Changsha Castle.
  2. Ma Liang and Ma Su ask you to return after defeating Lu Bu.

Guiyang Castle (2nd Visit)


Billeting Office
Inn (30 Gold Each)
Merchant (Copper Remedy, Smoke Bomb, Revive)

  1. Battle Lu Bu at the Castle (Easy)
    • Lu Bu
    • Zhang Ji
    • Outlaw Army x3
    • (~2395 Exp, ~3365 Gold, Drops: Power Pill)
      Lu Bu only has Zhang Ji with him this time. He should be much easier to defeat. He still hits very hard, however, so have your fastest intelligent officer cast Yi Xin on him, making sure to maintain it until his defeat. Have your other intelligent officers cast Ye Huo on him, while others attack, until he has been defeated. Zhang Ji falls easily without Lu Bu.
  2. After Lu Bu’s defeat, speak with the villagers. It seems Lu Bu has retreated to Lingling castle, where he has garnered support from one of the local generals.
  3. Rest, save your game, and travel northeast, around the mountain range to your east, to Lingling Castle’s gate.

Lingling Castle (2nd Visit)


Inn (30 Gold Each)
Merchant (Copper Remedy, Smoke Bomb, Revive)

  1. Battle Lu Bu at the Gate (Hard)
    • Lu Bu
    • Xingdao Rong
    • Liu Yan
    • Yan Ling
    • Outlaw Army
    • (~2195 Exp, ~2995 Gold, Drops: Smoke Bomb)
      Xingdao Rong, Liu Yan, Yan Ling—it seems he didn’t just earn the support of one local warlord, he’s manage to collect warlords from all around the region. Use Yi Xin on Lu Bu, Xingdao Rong, and Yan Ling, in that order. Yan Ling will probably be the most difficult target, so you may want to have Zhuge Liang target him. Zhao Yun, being the next smartest, should target Lu Bu. Have your other officers use physical attacks on Lu Bu.
        On the next round, have your smart officers use Ye Huo on Lu Bu, while your strong officers use physical attacks. If he breaks out of Yi Xin this early, re-cast it. Focus on him until he has been defeated.
        With Lu Bu down, re-cast Yi Xin as needed, but focus on the offensive. Use Ye Huo with your intelligent officers (including Huang Zhong if you decided to place him in your party) to defeat Xingdao Rong, followed by Yan Ling, in good order. If your party has some decent health, go all-out to finish the battle.
  2. Return to Guiyang Castle to rest and save your game. When prepared, return to face Lu Bu at Lingling Castle.
  3. Battle Lu Bu at Lingling Castle (Hard)
    • Lu Bu
    • Li Jue
    • Guo Si
    • Zhang Ji
    • Li Su
    • (5020 Exp, 5178 Gold, Drops: Smoke Bomb)
      Lu Bu is back with his regular band of thugs. Oddly enough, however, his regular band of thugs aren’t as talented as the likes of Xingdao Rong and Yan Ling. Begin by casting Yi Xin on Lu Bu with Zhao Yun, while your other intelligent officers cast Yi Xin on his subordinates Guo Si and Li Su. If using Huang Zhong, have him cast Ye Huo on Lu Bu. Everyone else should make physical attacks against Lu Bu.
        Finish Lu Bu on the next round with Ye Huo and physical attacks. If he survives, he should fall quickly in the round that follows. Defeat Guo Si and Li Su using the same approach, with no concern for the use of Yi Xin from this point. When only Li Jue and Zhang Ji remain, with your party healed up, go all-out to finish the battle.
  4. After the Battle, with nowhere to run, Lu Bu is killed.
  5. Speak with the villagers. They are overjoyed to finally see Jingzhou unified! They suggest visiting Ma Liang and Ma Su, now that your objective has been completed.
  6. Rest and save your game, then return to Ma Liang’s Home.

Ma Liang’s Home (3rd Visit)


  1. At Ma Liang’s home you will learn that Ma Liang has already gone to Xin Ye to meet Liu Bei.
  2. When prepared, backtrack all the way to Xin Ye Castle. Xin Ye is the castle that has always been under construction, and is located northwest from Xing Yang, the castle that was Liu Biao’s headquarters. It is also by the forest you fought Cao Cao’s forces in back when Zhuge Liang first joined.



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